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(39) had Ordinations almoft every Lord's day, and Tripoli had but five Bishops. How big were thefe Diocefes where the Bishops could meet almoft every Lord's day for Ordinations ; and five under Tripoly was an exceeding fmall number. And cap. 40. If 'aBishop were accukd at his Ordination, the Caufe was to be tried, In evident plebe cui ordinandus eft ; And furely it was not to be in many hundred Congregations at once orper"vices. XIX. Coned. Antioch. (before this) Can.5. (pag.32LinCrab) Siquie Presbyter' ant Diaeontu Epifcopum proprium contemnens, fe ab Ecclefta fegregaverit & feorfum colligeas Altare conffiteeit (vel in fecunda edit. & privatim apud fe colletlie populis Altare erigere aufusfuerit, &c.) This theweth, i. 'That the Presbyters then joyned with the Bilhop in the fame Church. 2. And that theneach Church had but one Altar, and to erect another Altar elfewhere, was to fet up another Church. Can. 8. Presbyteri qui font in agrie Canonieas Epiflolasdare non pofunt----Chore pifcopi autem-- darepoffunt. - This theweth that then the Country Villages had Chorpfco os withPresbyters. Can. ao. "ui in vicio vel pof(efflonibus Chorepifcopi nominantur quámvis mantis impofitionem.Epifeoporumperceperint, & ut Epifcopi confecratifiat, tarnen Santin Sy- nodoplaeúit, ut modum proprium recognofcant, ut gubernent fibifubjettaí Ecclefi as earumque moderamine curaque contentifint. This theweththat then theChurches: in Villages had their Bi(hops, though under the CityBilhops. Can. 16. ABishop that put himfelf into avacant Church without the content of a- perfeát Council, where mutt be the Metropolitane, mutt be cafe out, eta fí~cunt{us populosquern diripuit earn habere delegerit which iheweth that the whole people were no more than could meet to chufe him. Can. 17, 18, 2s. imply the fame ; Epifeopus ab alia Parochia non migret ad aliam, nec f ante fua infilieno, nec vi coattus a-populo, nec ab Epifcopu necefrtate compulfus : Maneat autem inEcclefia quam primitos adeo fortitus eft. AChurch and aParish arehere the fame ; and no greater than that the people couldbe the, compellers, which implieth their concurrence, which couldnot be in aDiocefs of many hundred Churches ; but in one only. Can. 23. The Goods ofthe Church are faithfully tobe keptt. which alto are to be difenfed by the Judgment and Power of the Bifhop, to whom is committed the people, and thefouls that are congregated in the Church: and it's manifefi what things be- long to the Church, with the knowledge of the Presbyters and Deacons that are about him, who cannot but knowwhat are the Church Goods, &c. Here r. The Church contained only the fouls that were congregated in it, and not many Congrega- tions. 2. All the Church Goods were known to the Presbyters andDeacons, fo that the Bishop did difpofe ofthem while he lived, but could alienate none at his death which theweth that it was but one Church or Congregation, where. the Bishop and Presbyters joyned in the Miniftry.