(43) ro. A Council at Capua ordered that both the Biíhaps Flocks in Ântioch, (under Evagriui and Flavian) fhould live together in Love andPeace. I I. Many Cities tolerated Novatian Bithops andChurches among them, and oft many other Diffenters. Which (heweth that but part of the City were one Church. 12. The Council at Carthage (called the Taft by Binius) decreed that [ Re- conciliation ofPenitents (as wellas Chrifine and confecrating Virgins) Ñ to be done only by the Bi(bops, except in great neceffity : ( For how many Parifhes can a Bi- fhop do all this andall the refi ofhis Office? ) And when Chriftians were multi- plied they that defired a Bifbop where was none before, might have one. But elfe aliud sltare is againforbidden to befit up. 13. Another Carthage Council decreeth, Can. 15. That the Bifhop have but vile or cheap Houlholdfluffand a poor Table and Diet, and feekAuthority or Dig- nity by hie Faith and defert ofLife. Cara. 19. That he contend not for tranfitory things thoughprovoked. Gan. 23. That he bear no Caufe but in the prefence of his Presbyters: elfe it(hall be void that isfentenced without them, unlefs conftmed by theirprefince. (Note, this being a confiant work required a confiant prefence : and it is not a feleeted Chapter of Presbyters that is named : And muff thofe ofmany hundred Parifhes dwell in the City, or travel thither for daily Gaules of Offenders ? erc.) Can. 28, (.5. 3 o. Bithops unjuft Sentence void : and Judgment againft theabfent. 24. A Council at Agathum, Can. 3. faith, [ IfBifhops wrongfully excommu- iiicate one, any other Bifhop (hall receive him : ] Which implieth that the wronged perfon livedwithin reach ofa Neighbour Bithop's Parifh.: For it doth not bind him to remove his Dwelling : And leave to go daily twenty or forty Miles to Church is a finall kindnefs. And I have already cited, Can. 63. Ifany Citizens on the great Solemnities, Eafter, the Lord's Nativity or Whitfuntide, fhallneglect to meetwhere the Biilhops are (feeing theyare let in the Cities for Beneddiion and Communion) let them for three Tears be deprived of the Communion of the Church.] So that even when Churches were enlarged, yet you fee howgreat a part of them met in one place. 15. Divers Canons give the Bifhopa third or fourth part of all the Church Profits; And if thofe Churches hadbeen asbig as our Diocefes, it wouldhave been too muchofall Confcience. 16. A Synod at Carpentoralle decreed, that the Bill-lop of the City [hall not takeall the Country Parifh Maintenance to himfelf: Which implieth as the for- mer, that his Country Parifh was (mall. 17. A Council at Orleance, Anno 540, decree, Can. 3, about ordaining a Bifhop, that [ proponendus ef omnibus, ab omnibus eligatur.] The Diocefes yet were not fo large, but that All met to chufe. 18. SoConcil. Byzazen. faith, it muff be [ By the Elefiion.of all.] 19. Another at Orleance, Anno 545. faith, [ Nu Citizen muff celebrate Eaíler out of the City, becaufe they muff keep the principal Feftivities in the pretence of the Bi/hop, where the holy Afembly muff be kept. But if any bavea nece ty to go F 2 abroad,