(44) abroad, let him ask leave of the Bifhop.] Here is but one City Alterably, and Individuals muff be known to the Billtop, and ask his leave to go abroad. And Can. 5. faith, [A BChopmug be ordained in his own Church which he it to overfee.] Which implieth that he had but one Church and Country Chap. pels. 20. Another Orleance Council hath the like, depofingall Bithops that come not inby common confent : And requiring them both in their Cities and Ter- ritories to relieve the Poor from the Church- Houfe.] Let us have fuchDiocefes . as the Bithop can do this for, and we confent. r. ASynod at Paria, Can. 8. Pays, [Let no Man be ordaineda Bifhóp againft the Will of the Citizens, nor any but whom the Ele51eon of the Peopleand Clerks fhall feekwithplenary Will : None (hall be put in by the Commandof the Prince.] &c. 22. King Clodoveut called a Synod at Cabilone, which Can. so. decreeth, [ That all Ordinationof Bithops be null that was otherwife/made than by the Eleion of the Comprovincials, the Clerks, and the Citizens.] 2 3. The Conf. Trial. Can, 38-. (heweth how the unhappychanges weremade, decreeing, [That whatever alteration the Imperial Power (hall make on any City, the Ecclefiaf ical Orderfhall follow it.] And fo if the King will make- every Market Town a City, it (hall have a Bithop : And if he will make but one or two cities in a Kingdom, there (hall be but one or two Bifhops : And if`he will make one City Regent to others, that Bithop (hall be fo. Thus Rome, Confantinople, &e. came by their Superiority. But Hierome telieth us the con- trary ; that the BithopofTanuie, or any frnall City (likeour lean Corporations) was of equal Church-Dignity withRome (cr the greatefl.) 24. The fame Council, Can. 78. repeateth that, [All the Illuminate (that is, Baptized) mug learn the Creed, and every Friday fay it to the Bilhopand' Phi: byters.] I hope they did not go everyFriday fuch a'Journey as Lincoln, Tork,or Norwich Diocefs, (no nor the Ieafi: in England) would have put them to ; nor that the Whopheard as many thoufands every Friday, as Come of ours by that Canon fhould have heard. 25. Anno 693. at a Toletane Council, King Egica" writeth a Sermon for them, and therein tells them, that [Every Parifh that bath-twelve Familiesmuff bave their proper Governor (not a Curate that is noGovernor.) Ent if it be left, it muff bepart of another's Charge.] 26. Anno 756. Pipin called a Council in France, whole Can. r. is, that [. Every City mußbave a Bifhop.] And (as is beforefaid) every CorporateTown was a City. 27. In the Epitome of the old Canons fent by Pope Adrian to Carolus Mag- nus, publifhed by Canifius, the eighthAntioch Canon is, [Country Presbyters may not give Canonical Ep f les, but the Chorepifcopi.] - By which it appeareth hat the Chorepifcopi were Bithops, as Petavius proveth (in Epiphan. Arrius.) And Can. 14, 15. That [No Bifhop be above three Weeks in another City, nor 'above two Weeks from biz own Church.] Which- intirnateth. that he had- one . finer Church And