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(45i . And Can. 19. That when a place wants a Bithop, he that held themmutt not proudly hold them to himfelf, and hinder them from one 3. elfe he muft lofe that which he hath. 28. The fame Canons fay (Can. 94.) If a Bithop, fixMonths after Admoni- tion ofother Bithops, negleít to make Catbolic4 of the people belonging to his Seat, any otherthall obtain them that (hall deliver them from' their Herefie.] So that 1. The Churches were not fo big but that there might be divers inone Town. 2. And converting the People is a better Title, than Pari(h Bounds. 29. ft is there alfo decreed, [That no Bithop ordain or judge in another's Pa.. rifh: elfe it (hall be void: ] And they forbid [Foreign Judgments, becaufe it is unmeet that hefhouldbe judged by Strangers,' who ought to. have Judges ofthe fame Province chofen by himfelf.] But our Diocefanes are Strangers to.ahnoft all the People, and-are not chofen by them. See the reft. Alfo another is, that every Elt 'rion ofBithops-made byMagittrates bevoid yea, all that ufe the Secular Magittrate to get a Church mutt be depofed, and feparated, and all that joyn with him : Alfo ifany exaét Money ; or fur affe- Ilion of his own, drive any from the Minijlry, or fegregate any of his Clergy, or. /hut theTemple. 3o. A Council at Chalon under Carol. Magn. the Can. 15. condemneth Arch-Deacons that exercife Domination over Parifh-Presbyters, and take Fees of them : as matterofTyranny, andnot ofOrder and. Ee&itude... And Can. 13. faith, [Itis reported oflime Brethren (Bithops) that-theyforce them whom they are about to ordain to fwear thatthey are worthy, andwill not do contrary to the Ca- nons,' and will be obedient to the Bifhop.that ordaineth them, and to the Church ix' which they are ordained : Which Oath, becaufe it is very dangerous we all agree ,/hall be forbidden.] By which it appeareth that, 1. The Diocefes were not yet fo large asto need fuch fubordinate Governors as ours have : Nor 2. Were Oaths ofCanonical Obedience to the Bithop and Church yet thought lawful, but forbidden as dangerous. 31. Aquifgrane, under Ludov. Pius, wrote anexcellent Treatife gathered out ofthe Fathers, to teach Bithops the true nature of their Office, which bath much tomy prefent ufe, but too long tobe.recited. 32. Upon Ebbos Flight that depofed Lud. Pitt.f¡ the Arch-Bifhoprick of 'themes was void ten Years, and ruled by two Presbyters, Fulk and .Hotho :: who were not then uncapableof governing the Flock : but it is not like that they governed Neighbour Bithops. 33. Canifius tells us-of a Concilium Regiaticinum, and Can. 6; is, [That the 'Arch-Presbyter examine every Mager of a Family, perfonally, and take account their Families- and Lives, and receive their Conferions : And Can. y. That a,Pref: byter in the abfence of the Bithop may reconcile a -Penitent by bis. Command, &c.] Which [hew that yet Diocefes were not at the largeft. 34. A Council at Papia, Anno 855. order yet, [That the Clergy and People chufe the Bifhops: and-yet that the Laity on pretence of their elating power trample átot,on the Arch-Presbyter, and that Great Men's Chappell empty not Churches.