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(So) have been done by others lately among us) it's laid of Lucius, [Zui partes Ie pi nequitia dg improbefaais agere impenfe f(Itudebat, grtique. Epifcopateem, no con- jerf it Lpifeopoti,m 0'rthadrMe ren in 1,d.12111')2 ,convenientium, non fuffcagür vare Clerico- rarn, non poJfulationePopoli, utfacci £,cclefix Cánones prefcribunt.] So that great Patriarch himfelt was chufen Polf ulatione Popu1i, as thawing the cuflom of all the Churches ; which beginning when the people were but one Congregation, continued as it çopld úa tome degree when they carne like a Presbyterian Church ( for even.then it was no ptherwife) to have many Congregations. XII. lei. c 22. faith that [Válgns found the Orthodox even in the great Patriarchal City of Antioch, in poffeilipp but of one Church, which good Jo- *Ilan the Emperor had given them.; of which he difpoffetled them. And when they met afterwards to worlhip God at a Hill pear the City, Valens bent to diilurb them thence.] 41-yi.Cap. 23. flavigeltr and Diodortyr presbyters (Me- Ietitu the Bithop being banilbed) led them to a River fide, where theycongre- g4tcel,till they were thezcçealfodriven lay the Emperor. And Flacianos when he couldnot preach, colleted. Matter, B,eafpns and holy Sentences, (as Sermon - Notes) for others to preach (in the Gyrnnajum Beliie ooi) where they refolved to meet whatever carne on it. Then Aphraates a Monk taught them, and when Valens told him that Monks mutt pray ip private, and pot preach in publick, .Aphraates told the .Emperor that hehad fen the loufe o#;God our Father on fire, and troubled the Church, and therefore he was called to its publick help (to (hew how far they obeyed a filencing Emperor.) By all which it appear that even then the Orthodox Patriarchal Church ofAntioch was but one Affembly which met in one only place at once. XIII. Id. t. 4. c. 29. When Terentirrs the Emperor's viçìorious General, (being Orthodox) was bid by the Emperor to ask what he would of him as d 'Reward, he asked but One Church for the Orthodox, and was denied it, which intimateth their numbers. XIV. Dolicha where Eufebites made Maria Bithop, was 4arvum Oppidum, a little Town (and infeeted withArianifm,) where an Arian Womankilled Eri febius with a Tile when he went to ordain María Bithop. Theodor. lib. 5. cap. 4. XV. Eufeb. Ecclef. Hill. 1.5. c. 16. tells us that Apollonius faith ofAlexan- der a Montanift Bithop, that the Congregation whereof he was Pallor, becaufe he was a Thief, would not admit him.] By which it appeareth that his Church was but one Congregation. And I. 7. c. 29. The Synod of Antioch fay of Diónyfiut Alexandr. that he wrote not to theperfon ofPaulus Samefatenus ;- but to the whole Congregation (that is, hisChurch.) And they fay [He licenfed theBi(hops and Minitiers of the adjoyning Villages and Cities to preach to the People.] Which lheweth. what Diocefes and Churches then were. XVI. Socrates.