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(5 2) And cap. 3. ecclefi.e contuitu & confideratione to ipfe commenda The Church was prefect then. And to thew by his work what his Church was he cele- brated the Sacrament daily "'cope quotidie quodquotidie tibi profit :" fie vive ut quotidie merearis. accipere :. ,ui non meretur quotidieaccipere, nonmeretur poff an- num accipere: And how he difcharged all this you may perceive,de Dignit. Sacerdot. cap. 3. Epiféopus non aliad gift Epifcopalia opera defignat, ut ex bono opere mage quartz triofrffione üçfatur, Alias meritis effe Epifeopum quam quad nomine vocitetur. &uia 'cut nihil ere-diximess Epifcepo excellentiur, fie nihil.eft mife'rabiliúrfi defanela'vi- ta .Epnfcöpees periditetoer i f Sacerdos in crimine teneatur. (He thought not a§ too manynow do, that the Name and Seat of Bishop or Prieft can do more to hallow Perfecutions, Worldlinefs and other Crimes, than the Crimes can do tounhállow the Bishop or Prieft.) And lib. 5. To. a. pag. iso. haviingmentioned L he HusbandofoneWfe,]_ he addeth, L Si vero ad altio,em fenfüm co fcendirnus, inhibet, dims ufurpare Ec elefn.u.] A Bishop mutt no more have two Churchesthan a Husband have two Wives. But fome Bishops imitate Solomon'sLuft rather than hisWifdom, and will have above a thoufand Churches, as Wives or Concubines. Adding, &uiffipendiis taciturn consenter Eeelefne foe, penitus non ambiat quo navit effe finperflua. Covetouíñefs hath enlarged Diocefes. And cap. 5. Con dominateer populis, & anima fervit Demoni.- When he Lords it over the people; hinown Soul is a Slave to the Devil. And cap. .6. pag. 18. Namquid aliad interpretatur Epifcopus niftfuperinfpehfor Maxime cum folio editiore in Ecclefia refideat ut ita bunkos refßiciat., ut d1 cunc e- rum orali in ipfum rfpiciant.] So that it is.from the over[ìght ofone Congre- gation where he fits-among and above the Presbyters that he is called a Bi- [hop, and notfrom Churches which he overfeeth indeed, bat-teeth not, and might well be fail to be an Overfeer in our vulgar fence, as it liignifies one that overlooketh or obferveth -not,- were he, as manynow. And of fo fmall a place as Forum Cornelii, inflead of committing it to a fub- je6I Presbyter, he faith, (Epfff. 63. p. I i I. ad Confiant. Arauficorum Epifco- pum) Commende tibi fili Ecclefnam, que eft ad forum Cornelii, quo ear depro echno invifas frequentiu,r, donee ei ordinetur Epifcoptas. And pag. I17.- Ad Eeclef.. Verccllerf pof.t obitumEufebii.Epi(t. he writeth to them thus to chufeanother, ,uantomagic tibi plena eft in nomine domini Congre- gatio ; obi Vniverforum Paffulatio congreeit, dubitare vor nequageeamoportet, ibn do- minuet Jefum & volentatis authorem, & petitionis arbitrum fore, & ordinations prefulem, vet largitorem gratie.] So that this famous Church was no greater than that all the people could meet and agree in the Choice or Population ofa Bishop: So To. 4. de;Pcenitent. 1. 5. c. 15. ?ota Ecclefia fufeipit onus peccatori! cui, eom- patiendum. & fletee, & oration dolore ell. By which it feems that all the Church ( that is, fo great a part as might be called all) was ufed to beprefent :. each meetingwhen Penitents lamented their [Im And