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( 53) And in 70. 3. p. 183. in 1 Cor. I r. he faith, that the Angels before whom the-Women in the Church mutt be veiled, are the Hilltops as God'sVicars ? ] which intimateth that ordinarily every Church-Affembly was to have a Bithop prefent. And ibid. Hoc notat qui fic in Ecclefiam conveniebant, ut munerafua offerentes advenientibus Presb teris, quia adhuc reEores Ecclefiis nonomnibus locis fuerant con - fituti, &c. . Md p. rá1. in Rom. 1.2". Propterea Ecclefiæfcribit, quia adhuc fingulis Ecclefiis Reüores non Brant inflituti. By whichyou may conjeL`ture what he thought ofthe magnitude ofChurches then. Tom. 3. p. 89. He fo far acknowledgeth the People to have eleóted hitlr, that he calleth them on that account his Parents, who in other refpeéts were his Children, (in Luk r8,) Vos mihi e/lis Parentes, qui Sacerdotium tulfis Vos inquam Filü, vel Parentes: Filü fanguli, Vniverfi Parentes. (Like Hooker's Singulis Major, Vniverfs Minor.) Where you fee, that the. whole Church .(and not a thoufaadth part) didchufe himBithop. And 70.3. p. a 80. in I Car. 14. Venom eft, quia in Ecclefia (that-is in every Church) Vole eft Epifcopuc (not .in hundreds of Churches.) For he faith, ibid. in I Cor. í a , Et quia ab unoDeo Patrefunt amnia, fingulos Epifcopos lingue- lir EccleftispreefJc decrevit.] He decreed that there should be to every Church a leverai Bithop. When I cite all this of the flueof that famous Church of Milan, where the Emperor himfelf did oft reticle, and which prefumed to differ in.Cuflotns from Rome, I leave you to gather how it wasbefore Chriftian Emperors,' and in .01 theordinary Churches. XIX.. Augufline was chofen by the people, and brought to the Bithop to be ordained. Vit. cap. q,. And cap. 5. Valerian the Bishop, gave him power to preach before him contrary to the ufe òfthe African 'Churches, but according to the cuflom ofthe Eal{ern Churches. Which fheweth that Auguftine while Preshyter;(and-fo other Presbyters ordinarily) . was in. the fame. Congregation with-the Bishop, and"not in another. And upon this other Churchestook up the fame cuflom. And cap. a r. it's Paid, [ ín Ordinandis Sacerdotibus t' Clericis Confenfuna ma jorem Chriffíanaram, er confùetoedinem Ecclefaæfequendam effe arbitrabatur : And cap. a 5. Cum ipfb femper Clerici una etiam domo &menfa, fumptibufgoee.communi- bus alebantur, ,& vffïebantur. Yea, he ordered jufl how many Cups in a day his Clergy-men withhim should drink ; and ifany (ware an Oath he loft one of his Cups. (Through God'sMercy fober Godly Minifters now need no filch Law.)- Bythis it evidently .appeareth that the- Church which he and his Presbyters ruled, was not many hundred, but one Congregation, or ,City- Church : There being no mention ofany Country Presbyters that he had elfe.. where, as faros I remember. , And when Aquiline ,was dying, the People with one confent, accepted of his choice of Eradiutto behis .Succeffor ; Epifi. i r o. tag. 195. To recite all that is in. Auflin's Works intimating thefe Church-limits, .. would, be tedious.,_ EpF-