( 54) 'XX. 'Epiphanittr's Teflimony I have before itientiotned,as producedby Petà- viúy that there were fewCities, if anybetides Alexandria in thofe Countries that had more than one Congregation ; and particularly none of his Own. And Doóor Hammond trufteth to him and dreneus toprove that the Apoflles fetled fingle Bishops in fingle Congregations in many places without any Sub- "Presbyters. XXI. Socrates, 1. 5. c. 21. faith, [The Church ofAntioch in Syria is fi. tuate contrary to other Churches : for the Altar !lands not to theEaft, but to the Weft.] Which Speech implied' that (betdes.Chappels if any) there was but one Church that was notable in Antioch ; while he calleth it [The Church V Antioch,] without diflinélion fromany other there. XXII. Socrates, 1.7. c. 3. tells us a notable ftory of Thiodofius Bithop of Synada, who went toConftantinople for Power toperfecute Agapetus theMace- donian Bishop in that City. But while he was abfent Agapetus turned Ortho- dox, and his Church and the OrthodoxChurch joyned together. and made Agapetus Bishop, and excluded 2heodofiur who made his Complaint of it to Atticus the Patriarch of Conftantinople (a wife and peaceable Man) who defied Theodofius to live quietly in private, becaufe it was for the Churches good.] (May fuck caufes oft have fuch decifions, and Lordly troublefome Prelates Fisch fuccefs.) By which flory youmay guefs how many Congregations both Parties made inSynada. XXIII. Socrates, 1.7. c. 26. tells us that Sifinnins was chofen Bishop of Conftantinople by theLaity againft the Clergy. And cap. 28. Sifinnïus Pent Pro- elus to be BilbopofCyzicum ; but the Peoplechofe Damatiusand refufed him.] And this cuflom ofthe People's Choice, muff needs rife at firft from hence, that the wholeChurch being but one Congregation was prefent : For what Right can any one Church in aDiocefs have to chufe a Bilhop for all the tell, any more than the many hundred that are far off, and =capable to chufe ? XXIV. Sozomen's Teflimony (even fo late) is very obfervable ; lib. 7. cap. 55. who mentioning the differences ofthe Eaft and Weft about Lifter, and in- ferring that the Churches Ihould not break Communion for fuch Cufloms, faith, [ Frivolum enim & merito quidem judicaro nt, confüetudinis gratia a fe mu- tuofegregari cos qui in precipuis Religionis capitibus confentirent : &egue enim eat dem traditiones per omnia fimiles in omnibus Ecelefiit quamvir inter fe confentientes, reperirepores.] And he inftanceth in this, [ Etenim per Scythiam cum fine Ci- vitates multa, unum duntaxat he omnes Epifcopuen habent (I told you the reafon of this Rarity before) Apud alias vero nationes reperias abi & Pagia Epifcopi ordinan- tar : Sicut aped Arabes ear Cyprios ego comperi.] He fpeaketh of his own knowledge : No wonder then if Epiphanius be to be interpreted as Petavius. Both, when in Cmrus not only the Cities had but one Church, but alto the Villages