Villages had Bithops. To thefe he added' the Novatians and the Phrygian Montanifts. And let none think their inftances inconfiderable. Forthe Mon- tanifts were for high Prelacy, even for Patriarchs, as in Tertullian appeareth, And the Novatians were for Bifhops, and had many veryGodly Bilhops, and were tolerated by the Emperors even inConfiantinople, as good People and Or- thodox in the Faith : And Novatus was martyred inValerian's. Perfecution, as Socrates, 14. C. 23. faith. XXV. Even Clemens Roman. or whoever he was that wrote in his name, Spilt. 3. fheweth that Teaching the People is the Bifhop's Office, and conclu- deth (in Crab, p. 45.) Audire (Epifcopuns) 'attentius spectre ab ipfo fitfcipere dollrinarn fidei; Monica áutem vice a Presbyterte inquire, a Diatom( vero ordinem Difciploee ; By which Partition of Offices it is evident, that the Bifhop only, and not the Presbyters then ufed to preach to the Church, and that the Pref- byters (though ejufdem ordinis, and not Lay-Elders) tiled to infìruSr the People perfcnally, and give themMonita vice : and that they were all in one Church together, and not in feveral diftant Churches. XXVI. Paul himfelf telleth us that Cenebrea had a Church, and the Scri- pture faith, They ordained Elders in every Church : And though Downame Without any proof obtrude. pon us, that it was under the Bifhop of Corinth,and had aPresbyter of his to teach them ; yet of what Authority foever (in other, refpeds) the Confiitutions called Clements or the Apofiles be, they are of more than his in this; where lib. 7. cap. 46. in that old Liturgy, Lucius is Paid to be Bithopof Cenchrea, ordained by the Apofiles. XXVIi, Gennadius ele vin t il'ujIr. 1. r. e. r o. faith, that Afclepius was Viri non grandis Epifcopus, Bifhop ofa Village not great. XXVIII. Saida Cartwright, Four or five ofthe Towns which wereSeats of theBilhops of theConed. Cartbag. which Çvprian mentioneth, are fo inconfide- table that they are not found in the Geographical Tables. XXIX. And faith Altare pamafcen. p.294. Oppidum trium .Tabernarum Velitris v,cinum was a Bilhop's Seat for all the nearnefs and fmallnefs of the. Towns : And Gregor. lib. 2. Epijl. 3 g. laid the Relifts of the wafted Church to the Bilhopriekof Veliterno. Cafirum Lamanum had a Bifhop till Gregory joyned it to Benevatus Bifhop of Micmac : (and fo had many Caftra ordinarily.) Remig ur did appoint a Bifhop within his own Diocefs when he found that the number of perlons needed it : Viz. .pad Laudanum clavatunt Cafi:rum fax Dicrcefcs. Of $piridion. the Bifhop of Trzmithantis I fpake before. XXX. Theoph. Alexand. Epiff. Pafb. 3. in Bibl. Pat. To. 3. concluded) thus,- { Pro defunítis Epifcopis to locis fingulorum eonjtituti. In urbe Nichio pro Theo pempto.