pempto Theodofius ; In Terenuthide Aitinthius ; 'In oppido Geras pro Eudæ- moue Pirorus ; In Achæis pro Apolline'Mur us; In Athrividepro Ifdoro A- thanalus ; InCleopatride Olfellus ; In OppidoLato, pro Timótheo Apelles. And the nearnefs and fmalinefs ofCome ofthefe fheweth the Diocefes fmall. The faine 7heoph. Alex. faith, Epfl. Canon. Can. 6. [ De its qui ordinandi fient bee eritforma, ut quicquid efl Saeerdotalir ordinis confentiat e3 eligat, 6 tune Epifcopur examinet,vel ei etiam aJfntiente Sacerdotali ordine in media Scclefia ordinet prefente populo, 6- Epifcopo alloquente, an etiampoet ei popular ferre teimonium : Ordinatio auteur non fiat clanetelum : Ecclefia enim parent habente decet prefentibus fa, is ordinationes Scclefa.] undoubtedly, as Balfamon, noteth by [Saints] is meant .fideles;- the People. Here then you fee that the Churches then were fuch where all the Clergy were prefent with the Bishop, who or- dained Miniftersto.a tingle. Church whereall the peoplecould be prefent to be confulted. XXXI..In the. Life of is faid, that Plebs ipfius loci ubifuerat Mona(Perium confiitutum diTerrefoam prorfus Elellionem, donee inveniret B. Ful- gentiutu, cogitabat (where, theBithops refolved toordain, though the King for- bad it them.) And though the King perfecuted them for it, it is added, [ Re-. pieta jamfuerat Provincia Bizacena novia Sacerdotibus,'ém pene vix paucarumple- bium Cathedra remanferant defiitute.] And the Phrafe [plebium Cathedra] loth lignifie a Bishop's Seat in one Congregation of People. One Plebs was one Congregation ;, and had its proper Catbedram. Sozomen (after Socrates) mentioning the diverfrtyofChurch Cu- sftorns (as aforefaid) 1.7. c. 19. faith, that at Alexandria the Arch -Deacon only readeth the Holy Scriptures, inother places only theDeacons, and in ma- ny Churches only thePriefts, and 6n folemn days. the Bithops.] By which words it appeareth'that then every Church was fuppofed to. have,a Bithop, Priefts and Deacons prefent in their publick Worship. For the BitIiòp on his folemn days could not be reading inmany Churches (much lefs many hun- dred) at once. XXXIII. Hi_'lor. Tripartit. 1. L. c. op. (out of Sozomen, 1. 1. c. 14. Edit. Lat. Bafil. p. 1587.) telleth us, how-Arius feeketh (as from the Bithynian Sy- nod) to,Paulinus ofTyre, Eufeb. Cefer. e .Patroph. Scythopol. ut una cum fuir juberetur cum populo qui cum eo erat, folennia SacramentaEcctefie celebrare,. Ere dicens confuetudinem in Alexandria (ficut etiam nunc) ut uno exifiente fatper omnes Epifcopo, Presbyteri f orfim Ecclefiaoobtinerent, &populos in eis Coleilar fo- Iemnitercelebraree. J {Tune<ïlli «na-rumaliis Epifeapis, &c.] By this (with what is raid before out of Epipbaniusjit is undeniable that this (gathering of Affemblies by the Presbyters in thefatne City, and adminiftring the Sacrament to them betides the Church where the Bishop was) was taken tobeAlexandria's fiugularity, ,even aslow as Sozomen's time. And yet-note that betels evenat Alexandria no it- ntion of many Churchesin the Countries at .a diftance, much lefs