(s7) Iefs hundreds, thus gathered, but only ofCome few in that great City. And ifeven in a great City, and in Epiphan. and in Sozomen's days a Presbyter's Church wasan Alexandrian Rarity, what need we more Hiftorical Evidence of the Cafe ofthe Churches in thofe times ? XXXIV. Ferrandus -Diaconus, in Epiff. de 5. e4. faith to Fulgentiur, [Saabs Presbyteros , Diaconos , beatamque Congregationem (which was his Church) faleeto.] And that you may again fee what Congregationor Church_that was, In vita Fulgentii, capay.'pag. 8. it is Paid, that thePlebs fought and cbofe him (and that in defpight of Fcelix the ambitious Deacon, who fought the place, and fought the life of Fulgentiur.) Populus fuper [seamCathedram cum collocavit : Celebrata first eodemdie Divina. folenniter Sacraments, & de manibus Fulgentii Commtini- cans minis populusletees difceft.] And if in the noble City ofRufjre, fo late as the daysofFulgentiur, the Bithop's Church-members were no more thancould chufe him, let him on his feat, and all communicate that day at his hands, it is eafie by this to judge of moil other Churches. XXXV. Concil. Parifienf. r. (in Caranz. pag. 244. Can. 5.)' faith, [Nullur et h the eivibus invitis-ordineturEptfcopus, nifi quemPopuli tI" Clerieorum Elefiopleniffima eighth quefierit voluntate; Non principio imperio, neque perquamlibet conditionem Metropo- rab. in 40 voluntate Epifcoporum Comprovincialium ingeratur. Rr od fi per ordinationem Region honorisfui admen pervadere aliquis nimia temerit ateprefumpferit, a Compro- vincialibus loci ipfius Epifcopio reeipi nullatenus mereatur, quem indebite affumptuns agnofcunt. Siquis de Comprovincialibus recipere earn contra indillapr.efumpferit, fit a fratribur omnibusfegregatus, es ab ipforum omnium Charitate remotes.] Here again you fee how'late all the Church was to chufe every Bifhop ; pleniffima vo- luntate ; and confequently'how great the Church was. And were this Canon obeyed, all the people mutt feparate from all theBithops of England, as here all are commanded to do from all thofe Bithops that do but receive one that is put in by the King, and not by the free choice of all theClergy andPeople of his Church. Note that Crab (Vol. 2. pag. z14.) hath. it, [contra Metropolis voluntatem : ] But bòththat, and Caranza's Reading, who omitteth [contra] feem contrary to the fcope ; and its moti likely that it fhouid be read [Metr,;- polis voluntate, contra Epifcoporum comprov.] fcilicet voluntatem. XXXVI. Leo r. P. Rom. Epiff. 89. tag. (mibiji6o. damning Saint Hil- lary Magifterially, yet faith, [ Expeelarentur certe voteCivium, teffimonia populoo- rum, quereretur honoratorum arbitrium, F.leilio Clericorum, que in Sacerdoteem fo- lent ordinationibus, ab his qui norunt patrum regular, cuffodiri, ut Apoflolice autho- ritatis norma in omnibus fervaretur, qua precipitursut Sàcerdos Ecclefieprèfuturus, nonPunt atteffatione fidelium, &c. -Et pogea,Teneatur fubfcriptio Clericoroem, ho- noratorum teffimonium, ordinisconfenfue : Oui prefuturus eft omnibtu, ab omnibus eligatur.] And how great muff that Diocefs be, where all the Laity mutt chufe and vote ?--&c. It's true that IEpiff. gy. C. 2. p. 158. he would not