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not have little Coìagrentions to have a Bithop, to whom one Presbyter is enough ; and no wonder at that time, that this great Bithop of Rome, (the fait that notably contended for their undueSupremacy in the Empire) was of that mind ; who alto oftheChorepifcopi,(QUi juxta Can.NeocxCar. five fecundum aliorum decreta patrum iidem funt qui & Presbyters.) The falfehood of which being tooplain, Petavius in Epiphan. ad Here'. 74. p. 278. judgeth that thefe words being in a Parenthefis are irreptitious.) And ibid. Epif. 88. he faith that by the Can. all thefe things following are fòrbidden.the Chorepifc. and Presbyter,' [Presbyterorum, Diaconorum, aut Virginum confecratio, ficut con- iitutio Altari , ac benedidio vel unetio : Siquid'ena nec erigere do Altariaa, nec Eerie- f ar vel Altaria confecrare licet, nee per impofitioncs manuum fidelibus baptizandis vel converfis ex h.erefi faraclrtum Spiritum Sanllutn tradere, nec Ghrifma confcere, nec Chrifmate Baptizatorum frontes fignare, nec publice guidon in Miffa quemquam pa'niteftem reconciliare, nee farmacia cuilibet Epi(folae mittere.] Bywhich it ap- peareth how big that Man's Diocefsmutt be, who betides all his other work, uiuftbe prelcnt to fign every baptized perfon, and reconcile every Penitent in every Congregation. And it's worth the noting what kind ofworks they be that the Bifhop's Office is maintained for. XXXVII. From the great Church of Rome (at its fir11 Tide time) let us look to the great Church ofGonfiantinople ; even in the days ofa better Bifhop, Gbryfífora : Betides that they had long but one Temple, (of which anon) Chryfoftnm faith in t Thef, g:. 12; Drat. so. 7rgWTOV µAV, t?''c.. Et primum debet imperare & pr.eeffe volentibus & lubentibus, qui ei gratiam habent quad imperetr (p.5472. ele p. 1473.) Sacerdos inhoc fieum contulit negotium : Nulla eft ei alice vitapant ut verfetur in Ecclefia Qui. Chrif tum diligit, cu)ufmodicunque fit Sa- cerdos cum diliget, quod er earnfit veneranda affecutus Sacraments; ( And Door Hammond faith, this Text fpeaketh only of Bithops, r 7h f 5. t2.) Et ibid. [Pro toprecatur, & done quadpo' Bapti[inum dater tibe infervit, vifitat, hortatur monet, &media nolie fi vocaveris venit.] And how many Parithes can a Bi- fhop thus ferve ? And how many ferre miles will they fend and he go to vifit theSick at midnight ? And,Cbryfoft. in I Cor. 14..p. 653. faith, 'Cánveniebant olio, omnes pfallebant communiter. Hoc mene geeoque facimus, (They had no feparating Chorifters ) fed tune in omnibus Brat una anima & cor unum : Naane autem nec una guidon ani- ma Main concordiamvideris da' contention ; fed ubique magnum eft Belluno. Pacem nune quoque precatur proomnibus, is qui prueff Ecclef te, ut qui in domum ingreditur paternam, fed bujes pacis nomen guidon eft frequens, res autem nufquatn. Tant etiam dooms Brant Ecclefe ( though called Conventicles t) Nine autem Ecclefta: eft domats, velpotius quavis demo deterior. WhenChurches grew to be Diocefes they grew worfe than when they were in houfes : But he that here is faidpeu effe Eeclefie is he alto that pronounceth Peace to them. XXXVIII. Gregory Nyffen. (peaking of the gathering of itr {e Churchesby. preaching, faith. (in Ecol fiat}. Hour. t. p.. mihi.) 93,) L who.