C2% Andupon fach Reafons (bit above all, that I might notcatt away my opportunity for fome more ufeful writings, nor put an end to my own labours before God put an end to them) I have been filent in this Caufe finte our publick debates in a ny rs. lived peaceably ; I haveendeavouredtp pr 1661, the due P t of thepub- lick Miniftry, and to perfwade` all' others to due fubjeation, love and quietnefs : I have byWordand Writing oppofed the Principles of fuch as are exafperated by their fufferings into the Dividing and Separating xtream ; Though knew, that by fo doin,g,.I was like to incur thedif- pleare andbitter cenure of the Separatifts, as much as I had before of the Prelates, (thoughnot to fuller fo much by them.) And I thought that the Prelates themfelves who would not underftand the true {fateof the People, nor the tendencyof theirway, by our informations, and evident Reafons, might yet come intime to kno y allby experience, and fo to a- mend what they have done amifs. But now I dare be no longer filent for the Reafons givenApol. ch. r.. which I will flay the, Reader briefly to fumup. t,` I find fhet experience itfelf doth not Teach fome men, but Harden them. a. I perceive that thofe that are now convinced by experience, and wifh they had takenanother conrfe, and rather have united the Miniftry, thanfilenced them, are not able to undo what they have done, nor to amend what is done amifs, much lefs to retrieve all the doleful confe- quents; but the matter is . gone out of their hands and beyond their power. 3. I feethat while we wait, the Devil's work goeth on, by the filence and by the Divifions of the Minifters : Popery greatly increafeth; Qia_ kers multiply ; Atheifm and Infidelity go bare-faced among thole that are accounted men of reputation : Malice, and bitter hatred of each o- ther, withcommon backbitings, cenfurings and Randers, instead offweet LoveandConcords do notorioufly encreafe. Thoufands are every day committing thefe fins, tothe increafeof their guilt, and thehafteningof Gods judgments on the Land : The fufferers call the Prelates perfecuters, and wolves in Iheeps cloathings, who are known by their fruits, their teeth and claws. The Prelatifts {till fay that theNonconformistsare un- reafonable, difcentented, peevifh, faftious, unpeaceable, unruly fchif- maticks ; that will #.tither fee all confounded than they will yield to things indifferent. And fhall we.(till Rand by, and fluently fee this work goon? ç. And to love and .defend Truth, Honefty and Innocency is to be like to God. It is pity that thofe that Chrift hath done fo much to juftifie, and will fo glorioufy juftifie at the Taft, Ihould have nothing faid oi their behalf by men. But we are much more obliged to juftifie a righteous taufe, than righteousmen For all men have fomewhat that is unjuftifiable, but fo hath not the truth of God. 5. And he that in his Baptifmal Covenant is engaged against the Fleth, the World, and the Devil, fhould be loath to fee all their work go and