( 64) 2. And certainly when Temples were first named Churches, it was not be- caufe thole met there that were no Churches, but onlyMembers of Churches Nor is this ParifhChurch called a Church becaufe Tome meet here that belong to theChurch at Bofon, Lincoln or Grantham ; But to this day we cannot dif- ufe our felves from Paying, the Church of Barnet, the Church of St. Albans, ofHatfield, &c. yea, in the fame City, we denominate the feveral Temples ííi11 feveral Churches. Hefychius explaineth Ecclefia, byno other words than their three, n voélos, ,eruvaycoy) & aavtíyueis, which all lignifie the Meetings of the People, and not Men that never fee each other, only becaufe one Man ruleth them. " Mr. Merle in his Exercitat. ofTemples proveth largely that the places of Meeting are ordinarily by the Ancients called Churches, even in feveral Cen- turies. Eufeb. lib. 8. cap. I. faith, in everyCity they built fpacious and ample Churches. And Theopbil. Antiochen. Autel. faith, [Sic'Deus dedit mundo, qui *Leg. Al- peccatorum tempeflatibus etr naufragiic jallatur, Synagogas, quay Ecclefias fanIas tare Dam..nominamus, in uibus veritatis doetrina ervet ad qua con re Lunt veritatis udio t pag. 290. q 9 ig smith D. quotquot falvari, Deique judicium& iram evitare voltent.] Figld,1.5. So Tertullian, de Idololat. cap. 7. pag. 17 I. iotadie adhangpartem zelus ftdei C. 28. In ingenuum Chriffianum ab Idolis in Ecclefiamvenire, de adverfaria Officina in domum a Antiquity Dei venire, &c. The very Name there ofa Church, and thenaming ofa fngle contained Temple thence doth lignifieour fuppofition. the Citi- hd III. To this I may add theName and * PrimitiveSenfe of tragoiteice. For it all Borderers fignifietha Vicinity, and Parochus Vicinus, aCòhabitant or Neighbour,, as well as dwelt as anquilinus, and is ufed in all the ancient Church-Writers as noting both a -near, and Sojourner (as Chrif fans are in the World) and Neighbour, fo conftantly in repaired to this later fenfe, not excluding the former. Elfe Men of feveral parts of the any oy thief World might have been Paid to be aáeoßeor, ' becaufe inquilini, had it not allo city:ADi- and fpecially fignified Vicinity. To avoid.tediqufnefs ofCitations, I refer the ewers both unfatisfied Reader abut to Gerf. Bucer againft Downam, and the .Bafil Lexicon of then and Henr. Pet.in the word aoíeotvp. And though the cullom ofcalling aChurch -now an" he by the name rre goouz continued when the Church was altered in magnitude Villages to a large Diocefs, yet that is to far from proving that this was the first and & church- old fignification, as that the word rather plainly leadeth usup to the thingand es difperfed fenfe which firft it Ggnified. And therefore to this day, Etymology teachethus in divers more wit than in Englifh to call a Diocefs a Park, but only a Vicinity of un- Chriftians : And when the a Vicinity is the En lifh of theWord, why fhould der the Re- y g o ÿ titans of Strangers that we {hall never fee or have to do with, any more than thofe onesifhopJ in the uttertnoft part of the Land, be called our Parifhioners or Neigh- tma rue rk ¡efe this o f boors? the words, againll IV. Another clear Evidence of the truth in queftion its the Paucity of what Churches (or confecrated "Meeting-Places ) for many hundred Tears after Downame Chrift: both before they were called Temples and after. Not that occafonal and others Meeting-places l were few Houfes Fields, &'c.) but appropriated confecrated pretend. $-P ( , places