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( 6' dents, for a large-and comelyFabrick. For, faithTertullian, after that, Apot. C. 37. Chriffians leave Temples to the Heathens. And faith Pope Nicholas, in Epift de depofitione Zacharke &Rodoaldi Epife. (recited in his. Life by Papir. Alafronus, Fol. i 32. Col. ì,) [ Deinde propterfrigidtorem locum in Ecclefta Salva- toris, vie ab Authore vocatur Conflantiniana; & que prima in toto terrarum orbe eonfiruïta eft.] You fee that by this Pope's own Tefttmony, there was no Church in thewholeWorld built before this one at Rome by Conffanrine. The meaning is, no large fumptuous place called a Temple, but only commodious meaner Rooms or Buildings. And the fame Pap. Alaffon. in Vita Bonifacii,fol.5 5. noteth that Hiero,n even in his time (fo late) Baflicas Chrifianorum tres tantum commemorate. Whenupon the great increafe of'Chriftians, but one odd Idol Temple even in Alexandria, was begged of the Emperor for the Chriffians3 Ruffin. lib. 2. cap. 22. and diversothers tell us what tumult and fur it called. And when Euf ib. de Vita Confiant. lib. 3. c. 49, 5o. tells us of his building ofChurches except Conftantinople,. it is but one in a City, even thegreat Cities, Nicomedia inBytbinia, and Antioch. And Socrat. lib.' a. cap. 52. faith that even in Con- ftantinople (whichhe made fo great and beautiful that it was no whit inferior to Rome, and by a Law engraven on a Pillar, commanded that it be called Second Rome,) he built from the Foundation (but) two Churches, Pads " Apotolorum. I could find in my heart, were it not tedious, here to tranflate all tIldar. Pelufiota's EpiJl. 24.6. lib. 2. in which he gpeneth thedifference between 7em- plum and Ecclefta, and invcigheth againft that Bilhgp'as no Bishop, who cried; up the Temple as the Church, whilehe perfecuted and vexed the Godly who are the Church indeed and againft them that are for fumptuous Temples and unholy fcandalous Churches ; and tells us he had rather have been in the times when Temples were lefs adorned, and the Churches more adornedwith Heavenly Graces, than in thole unhappy times when Temples were too much adorned, and Churches naked and empty of Spiritual Graces. So that when there was but one Temple in a City, (except two or three) and when that was called the Church, becaufe it contained the Church, it's evi- dent what theChurches then were. V. The ancient Agape thew how great the Churches then were, when as all the Church did feaft together : and thefe continued in 7ertulian's time, in fome places at leafl : And feveral Church-Canons mention them after that. And Chryfofi. faith (Homil. de Oportet here(. effe p. (mihi) 20, 25. that in the. Primitive times, there was a cuftom that after Sermon and Sacrament, they all feafied together in the Church, which he highly praìfeth. (But it was not many hundred. Churches that featled inone Room.) And after he. faith, [The. Church is like. Noah's Ark, but Men come in Wolves,and.go out Lambs, &c. (hewing that by the. Church he meant the Affembly. And after, [All have the farnHonour, and the fame Accefs, till all have communicated and parrakeet of the fame Spiritual Meat., The Priefts !landing expel them all, even the pooreft