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(6) - mullion it is that they are capable of: I tfiy felf who have travelled o. vet molt of Englandnever faw the face or and the name of one Perfon (I think) ofmany thoufands inthe Diocefsthat I live in : Norhave we any other Communion with the reft ofthe Diocefs (evenwith abovea thoufand Parifhes in it) than we have with the People of anyother Churchor Dio- cefs in the land about us; fave that One Bithop and his Chancellor and o- ther Officers, are over us all. The Magiftrates Civil Government of the Church I (hall not meddle with, as having no exceptions againft it. The Sacerdotal or Spiritual Power, called the Powerof the Keys, determinethwho shall be Members of the Church, and partakeof its Communion, and exercifeth other aas of Spiritual Difcipline, of which more anon. This power is faid tobe in Archbifhops and Bifhops in foro ecelefia ptiblico vel exteriore, though an in the Governed Presbyters , inforo privato interiore, as they may privately comfort a penitent perfon, and declare God's promife of the a coffin, pardon ofhis fin. [a] The Archbifhops have it in eminency As all() the Tab. 3. powerof confirming the Ele&ion of the BIlhopsof their Provinces ; and the power of Confecrating Bifhops with two others : and the power of Convocating Provincial Synodsupon the Kings Prelcripr; and of mode- rating in them. The power of receiving Appeals, and of Vifiting the whole Provinces: yea to receive Appeals from the lower Judges, omit ing the middle ones ; and toexercife Ecciefiaftical- JurifdiEtion in any bcoftn, vacant Diocefs under them. They have [b] power of Difpenfation in Tab. y. all Calks (not judged contrary to Gods word) wherever the Pope had power; and where thePope had not power, if the King or Council per- mit it them. They may difpenfe"with the Eating of Real on Fafting-days, with Marrying without previous publication; with differs irregularities, and fometime mayabolifh fimoniacnm ambitum. They maygrantCommen- dams, and Difpence with Non- refidence, and with thekeeping of divers Churches called Benefices, in feveral Cafes, and with a Sons fhcceeding his Father, and 'with Lay-mens poffefftng the Church - maintenance, called Prebends. The Bifhops (who take place in Parliament of other Barons, as the coffin, Archbifhops : do of Dukes) [e] are all chofenreally by the King, who Tab. q. nominateth in a Writto the Dean and Chapter the man whom they mutt chufe; who -pro forma do chufe him, never contradiaing the Kings Nomination. Their proper Office confiifteth in the powers of Order and of .yurifdiFli- en, (as they diftinguifh them:) "Their power of Order is threefold, r. To OrdainPriefls and Deacons.' z ToConfccrate Churchesand Burying pia- ces 3. To Confirm Children after Baptifm, when they can fpeak and fay the Creed, Lords Prayer and Decalogue, and others that were not Confirmed in their Childhood. , Betides, that they may be Privy-Coun- fellors, Lord Keepers of the Great Seal, Lord Treal'urers, Embaffadours, &c. Their ordinary Ecclefiaftical Jurifdiftion'extendeth, r. tothe Inter- diEtion