Baxter - BV669 B3 1681

(199) And yet that was not all the mifchief, but when Maximus had killed ,ratian, it was this pleating of there bloody Orthodox prelates which . he trufted to as his means to poffefs the Empire, and fo punifbed tiac Prifcillianifis to pleafe them, and ferve himfelf of them (of which more anon.) Eut you may fee here that Bellarmine himfelf feemeth to difown Ei (hops fecking to Magiftrates to punifh-Hercticks ; As if he -.had forgotten theirbloody Inquilition andMaffacres. AndBaraniur Ambrtrwould perfwade us that Ambrofe (whowas of Martin mind) did not difown the punifhment of hereticks by the fword, but he would not have Churchmen feek it. As if it were not evident enough that it was the thing it felf that he and Martin were againft, and that Martin was repróached by the Prelates as a fautor of Hereticks, for travelling toMaximus Court and importuning him to fave them. Andas if the Inquifirors ì id not feefl, to. the Magiftrate, and more, even Judge, and execute the fword them - IcIves. Its true that Augulline was at fall for the ufe of the fword againft the Donatifis. But its as true. a. That he wrote much before againfi it. 2. That it was fo much againfi the Churches former judgement and' practice that hewas fain to write his Apology and reafotrs. 3. And that the Donatifis, Circumcellians ufed frequent and cruel violence againft theChriftians that were Orthodox (or Cec;llians) and catch'd their Pref-' bytcr in the ftreetsof Carthage, dragg'dhim in the dirt, .andabufed him crud), twoChurch daics before they let him go, with many fuch outrages, . Yea, the Catholicks could not go fafely in the lirects for them; And a- mong other devifes, they mixt Lime and Vinegar together, and call it in mens eyes as theypaffed in the Meets, toput out their eyes : And they were fo mad that they wounded and killed themfelves to bring dittos on theCatholicks: And they were fo numerous, that they called them- felves the whole Catholick Church. 4. And Auflin did never defire the Magiftrate to force them to the Sacrament, but to defend the Church, and reprefs their infolencies. 5. And vet thewhole Clergy joyned fall in a reprefentation of all this to the Donatifis Bilbop yanrearius as being an old experienced peaceable man,, ard to defire him to remedy it, before they would fly for aid to the Magi(lrate (all this you may fee in their Er )3ill. to him inter Augu/lini Epiflolás. And what work did the Arrians makewith the Orthodox, when they.. had got the Emperours (word to ferve them. Nay indeed it was the Ar- rians whodid brit fet this work on foot (after theJewes and Heathens.) They fo depopulated the Churches by it in, thedales of Canftantius and Valens, that they feemed all to be turned Arrians, andthe Orthodox par- ty Reined to be almoll conquered if not extinct. And their Sergius the Monk that itíflruçted Mahomet, feu him by this way of the (word on that extirpation of Chriflianity, which hath fo dolefully prevailed in theEa- Iternumpire: Abd fo great, was the fwords. , faccefs againft. qf: tin