UMW (ZQI newborn foul which is contrary to wickednefs, and which inclineth men toan enmity with the Serpents feed as fueh, though a love to them as men that are yet capableof grace and which difpofeth men to obeyall the fore- faid words of Chrift. 3. And there is in the people more than in the Paftors, fome remnants of ignorance, which makes them more liable to ftrctch the(e words of Çhrift too far, and by mifiake to run further from wicked men than God would have . them. But when they fee the Wilderaefs called the Garden of God , and the wicked not only tole- rated in the Church, but forced into it by the Sword, and fo the Church to contain the world, and to be as vicious as Infidels ; (what ever men fhould do,) I dare confidently prophecy what theywill do; All the Prelates in the world, no nor all the godly that preach, will never prevent it, but e. agewill bring forth new divifions, and the ftri&er fort will be Hill flying .from fuch Churches as thefe, to worfhip God in purer focieties, And if you are angry with the Scriptures, andwith the Papifls,keep them from their knowledge, you mutt do fo all() by the Creed, Lords Prayer and ten Commandments, or elfe the very Article of [the Communion of Saints]and the praying [7hy Name behallowed, thy Kingdomecome, thy be done in earthas it is heaven] with theprecepts of Hahne!: andRighteouf- nefr, will have the fame kindof operation. Obi. But in the Churchof Rome, there is unity and concord, and no Sear, and therefore that fhezcethus what the[wordmaydo. 4nf.i. }tut the Church of Rome is it fell but a fraction, divided from the reff of theChurch. Do they not differfufficiently from theGreeltt, dr- menians, Aba nes, &c. Did they not drive from themGermany, Belgio and the yell of theProteftants? Yea, even by theircruelty, fo far was cruelty from preventing it ? The Anabaptills, and many other Sects maybe at one among themfelves, and yet not at one withany others. n.Are you willingofa concord in your Churches upon the fame terms as the Church ofRomehath it ?what,with the fame ignorance and,ungodlinefs; Locking up theScriptures, in LatinPrayers and Manes, and a Catholick Tyrant or llfurper, and all this procured by theblood of fomany hundred thoufands, andkept upby the tame Love-killing means ? wouldyou indeed have fuck a concord ? Et cum folitrtdinem facitis, _pace* voeabitir, as Ter.. till/ion fpeaketh. 3. But indeed the Church of Rome bath one other means for concord whichyou want sand that is various houfesand, orders of Monattichs, Ig. norance and prophanefs willferve for the concordof the wort} ; but there will be (till tome who believe and forethink of a life to come, and therefore will bereligious ; and for thefe when they cannot have communion with the wicked, this politickly holy Church bath provided this expedient r e- very one that will be Religioulcr than the reti, bath a hive .or fpciety to the to at their choice,and may betake that which is mote ftri pz moftfuited to their own conceits. And it you would make Indepen- dant Churches to be like filch Monafleries,where the Iteligioufer fort may Dd -have