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(202,) have Communion with one another, you may do much to prevent afurther breach. Object. II. 'But the (word will prevail with the moll : In the changer of tReligion in England and elfewhere, the People have alwayes changed with the heKing. with the King Be- caufe e. Men may feemingly leave an ill way : they are wicked that walk in it, and therefore can fay any thing. But men will not fo eafily leave a good way when a King (hall leave it s Becaufe they that are in agood way are often Good men, and true to God, 'and hold Truth andGoodnefs fatter than bad Men hold Error and Evil. 2. Indeed this is the way to have a Church onely of perfidious wicked. Men, whowill turn to any thing with their tongues ( becaufe they will not turn to Cod with their hearts) : And to have no true Chritlian left among you : for fuch fear not them that cankill the body onely, ói in France, of him that can damn the Soul, Ltì%e 12.4;. 3 , and all the Churches, and Ourfelves at this day fully !hew you the false nefs of this Ob)eltion. CHAP. XXII`, An Anfwer to the ObjeElions. a. NoBifiops no King. 2. And of de Rebellions and Seditionsof thole, that have been again jtBofhops. ICome not for your own fake tomeddle with loch matters as thee,but_ you put a neceflity on us, by making us odious by. Poch pretcnxs. , r. To the firft I anfwer, -c.Were not all the very Heathen Emperors heretofore, and arenot all the HeathenKings dill, Kings, and as great as others, without gi(hops? And may not ChritlianKings much more ? 2.If the Presbyterians had faid, no Presbyters, no King, you would have taken it for treafonable s as if theyhad threatned that the King (hall not be King, unlefs they may have their way, and (hall not the Kingbe Kingunlefs you may be Bi(hops? 3. What is in the nature of the thing towarrant this affection? Presbyterians own every text and Article for Monarchy as the Prelatids do, even as ever anyChritlian Council or Confefion affected, as far as we can learn. They plead no other divine right for their offices, than our Prelates do. And (fave what.forne of them haveheld by the Magidrates own gift) they pretend. to no power over any mans body or purfe. Many of them and the Independants, meddle no further than their ownCongregations. What is in all this egain(iiKings ) That an Ariiloçratical Church Government may not live,quiefly under Monarchy,.. or a Monarchial Church Government under 'Artllocracy, is an affected hffion,without all proof. Otherwif, by the fame reafon youwould per- fwade Venice, Holland and all (itch Govcrnménts, that Prelacy may not be ,endured under them. But