(2O'3' 4. But what if it were all as true asit is falfe? What is it to thole Nonconfotmifls that craved BifhopVJhers Epifcopacy ? Thequef}ion is but whether a humble Bithop in a Parifh or Market Town, without any Lordthip or great revenews, orintereff in the fword, may not live as fafely and obediently under Kings, as our LordBifhops? Yea in very deed molt of the Independant Churches themfelves have a kind of Epifcopacy, whether they own the name or not For ufuallyone finglePaftor hathas much as a Negative voice in the mannagement of all difciplínary af- fairs. II. But the anfwer to the fecond will fuller anfwer this. r. Do you not know that where Prelacy is at the higheft, thereKings and Emperours have been at the loweft ?' Do you not know how the Papal Prelacy at the prefent ufurpeth one part ofJhefr . Government : and is ready to take away the other when they can, when ever Kings,difpleafe them .? Can a- ny thing be faid to hide this by him that readeth, but the two forenamed Councils (Later. & Rom.fubGregor. 7.) Did Prelacy preferve thofeEmpe- rors of the Fall that fuffered by it ? Doth it now preferve the Emperour of Mofcovy, where the Patriarks intereff is pretended in the rebellion? Did it preferveFrederick, and the twoHenriesofGermany? or Henry 3. and gth. of France? Did it preferve the Kings of England, Will. 2. Hen. 2. and 3. John,&c. from their wars and troubles ? Did it prefervethe King- dome of Navar to theright Lord ? What fhould, I fay, more of this af- ter thecopious inflames of H. Fowlis ? and after that volumeof W. Prin. of t-he Faglifh Prelate.' Treafons? Read it and judge. 2. What people more peaceable and obedient to their fuperiors, for in- fiance than the Helvetian Minifters have been? whoyet have no fuch thing, asBithops. 3. Dr. Pet. Moulin Junior, one of your felves in his anfwer to Philanax Angl, bath faid enough to confute moll of the Calumnies againff theRe- formed Churches in this point. 4. Who,knoweth not, that even in the ancient Churches, and that whenEpifcopacy was thriving apace, yea and by and among the Bithops themfelves, }ea fome that were good men and are now Sainted, yet tu- mults, feditions, rebellions, and contentions troubled the Churches, and the Emperours and Magilirates, as frequently as of later times, which I mention not to abate thehonour of thofe better Chriflians, but r. To thew you, that all this was done under Prelacy, and therefore it was not want of Prelacy, oravcrfnefs to it that is to be taken for the caufe. a. That the'te di(lempers were found in the bell times, and among the pureft Churches, and therefore are not to be now thought firange, or taken:for a matkof abad religion. I will not rcpeate what I Paid but even now of the horrid tumults and blood flied atAlexandria, their cruel Murderingof Hypatia, and the infuxreEtion and fedition even of the Holy Monks, and Saint Cyril: Saint- ing ofthe executed aftor of violence on the Governor. Dd 2 W hat