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( 204 ) What workhis Predeceffor Saint 7heophilus made againft faint Chry fcffome, how Epiphanies aéted bis part ; how Saint Hierome was of their party ;, how even the Orthodox Bithops in feveral Synods oppofed and depofed thofe two excellent Bifhops of Confffantinople Gregory Theol. and Chryfoflome, hath been laid before. Even at the Elec ion of Chryfoffome Tbeophilus went about by all means to diferedit him, and to preferr to the place one Ifidorea Prieft` of his own Church. And that you mayknow how Loyalty prevailed, againft the owning of Tyrants when they got the better you (hall fur- ther hear why Th'eopbilus let fo much by this Ifidore, becaufe he under- took for him a perillous piece of fervice (faith Socrates li. 6: c. a.) viz,; `[ When the Emporour Theodoj1us waged War with Maximus the Ty- ' rant, Theephilus tent Prefents directed to the Emperour with two Let- ` ters (one to 7heodofiere and one to Maximus) charging Ifidorea topre- ' lent him that got the better with the gift and one ofthe Letters. Ifz:v `dore being careful of his bufnefs, went diligently about this feat; got `him to Rome, and hearkeneth after. the Viltory,: But ,his fetch was ' notlong ere it was found out ;.. for his Reader, that accompanyed hirer `(tole, away his Letters. Whereupon Ifidore being afraid to be taken- with the manner, took his heeles in all haft to Alexandria:. This was it that made 7heophila.e labour fo carne(tly for Ifidore: But all that wereof the Emperours Court preferred John to the Bi(hopprick :. And afterwards when as many charged Theophilus with heynous crimes, `andprefented to the Bishops (then prelent) libells and Articles againft `him , fame forr this thing and fome for that ; Eutropius one of the q,inporaurs Chamber having gotten the. Articles and Inditemenîs, `(hewed them to Tbeópilar, bad him choofe whether he would Create ` John Bi(hop or ftand `at the Barr and anfwer to the Crimes that were laid to hischarge. T&r>philas was fo afraid with this that prelim- ' ly he confented to the inflalling ò-John J. What would have been laid of oneof usnow, if we had not only compl3 ed with a victoriousTyrant, but allo fo jugledwith prefents and double Letters before hand. Ididmyfelt difowne Oliver Cromrvel open- ly to his death ; and yet becaufe after twelve years poffeffion of the Ilfurpers, I did but Dedicate two Bookes to his Son Richard, whom I never law nor heard from, only to encourage him to befriend truth and unity againft Papifts and Sectaries, who then threatened all (and ,this when theRoyaliffs themfelves gave out that he was Really for the re- storation of the King) this is made the odious Crime inme, as a thing deferving greatelt Infamy. Do I need to recite how great Leo himfelf and other Roman:,and I- talion Bifhops owned . the Barbarian Conquerours? No wonder than if they too early took Ìheodoricus for their King let over them by God, who was a better man than the refit, and had at .laft a better. Tit- ele, ` Saitla