Saith Söerates further li. 6. c.7. [when the Common - wealth of the 'Kaman Empire, was toffed with thefe troublefome ftormes of Rebelli. ' on fuch as were promoted to the reverend fun&ion of Pried -hood ` were at diftra&ion among themfelves, to the great flander of Chilli, ` an Religion : Then wasone fit again the other ; the original of ;v1iii: a peffílent Schifin came from Egypt, and theoccafion was as followeth. ` There was a queftion broached a little before ,. whether God were `a body made after the likenefs and forme of man ? Or whether he `were without .body , and void of all Corporal fhape. a Hereof *,,,Who /itch 'therearofe fundrycontentions.and quarrels:. While tom affirmed this Pligious ` andothers.that : Some of the.rudeft and unleatncd fort of Religious mon mrn be new - thought that God was Corporeal,. and.of the forme and figure of man: called, that ` But the greater part condemned themwith their .Heretical opinion, ,af- .badno more Tmwledpe, `firming that ..God hadnobodily fubdance- orIltape, Of which opinion 1,nvie er- ` was Theaphilus Bithop of Alexandria; fo that in thehearingofth: whole rour and f, ` Congregation he inveighed bitterly againff the Contrary -- The wor- great fury fhippersof Egypt underhanding this, left their. Religious htrìales, came-and !land' r to Alexandria, flocked about Theophilus; condemned him for -a wick- betlwn 'ed>perfon,:and fought to bereave him of his Life. Tbeopbiltts being ` made privy, to their Confpiracy, was wonderful penfive, devifed how he might feape their hands and fave his life. As. he carne into their prefence he faluted themCourteoufly, and faid thus to them `When: I faden mine eyes on you, methinks I fee the lively face of God. With thefe words the rails heat of the unruly Monises was de- laycd, and 'they Paid,' If that, be true that-thore fsyejf, that, the Coaanten `onceof God is no otherwife than. ours, accurfe then the works of Ori- ges: For divers of his books do impugne our opinion :-But if thou °refufeto;. da this; afore thy (elf to receive ar our hands the punith- `ment due to the impious and open Enemies of God : Nay, faith `Theopb..I will d'o that which feetnetla good in your eyes ] Thus you , fee. what the-Monks were. But will you fee what Theophilus was. `It followeth [The Religious, houfe.s in Egypt were ove'rfeen of four worthymen,, Bretheren, Diofrorur,4mtnonius, Eufébius, andErethetr,wee,' Their great fame and excellency made 7beopbilus force themont of :. their beloved folitude, and make Diofcorus, a Bithop, and two other `to live with hfmfelf ---- At lad, their Confciences were pricked, ` perceiving thatthe Bithop was fet upon heaping and hoarding ofmony, ` ; and that all their labour tended togathering, they would no longer* with tar: `dwel with him VI; got theminto the defert -- As foon as Y&eophelus Etunmer in underdood that they abhorred his manner of living, he was. wonder- h c asg** `fully incenfed, and promifed to work .them a difpleafure --- and being harh; . `proneed anger,andrevenge,bedirred hinïfelf againd themandendeavour' mare f t- `edby all means to work them milehief. And he began ao .defpightiwsinJim . Dinfeems; ,theBi(hop, for it grieved him to the Butts that the Worfhip- stand d, `pers.made fognuch.of Diofcorus and xeverenced himfo highly (Toob -