0.07) fd ib. c. r6. 'When the Bffhop of Ede 1 was removed and another fet over them, the people frequented private meetings in the Suburbs. And . when the Ernperour commanded his Prefect, Modetias, to take Souldiers and difturb them, and drive them away, the women ran with their Chil- dren hoping to die with them. And Eulogies the Presb) ter asked, Was the Emperour made Prieft whenbe was made Emperour ? And how the Presbiters and PeopleofAntioch continued their meeting whether the Emperour would or not , though he difiurbeci them by Soldiers. Theodor c. 77 fiafils anfwer to the Prefctff, when",he offered him the Emperours favour, was , that Children were to be fo.talk'd to , bat Men bread up in divine fludics, would ftffer any death rather thanfuf- fer one fyllable ofdivine Truth to be blemithed. ' eod autem ad Impera- toris amicitiam, &c. But as for the Emperors friendfhip I Much value it (faith he) joyned with godlinefs, but if it want that, I fay, it is ,pernici- ous. Inone of us this anfwer would have been enough to make us fee as as bad, as it made Baftl cfieemed. good. c..19. When the forenamed Lucius was made Bithop of Alex- andria,and Peter their Bithopput our,the Péople would come to the Church place, though he perfecuted them as he had done the other, 6 manes p.a- riter cepertint Laicism conyitits lacerare, they, all began to tear Lucius with revilings, bccaufe he perfecuted the Monks of Egypt. Id, 1. c. 3 S., Acodar a Bithop in Perfa demolifhed their Temple(or Py* ream) by violence: Forwhich the Emperorr ofPorfa killed him,' and de- llroyed all theChriflian Churches. 141. a. ç..21. When slates was defred by Qleen NLavia to be her Bi- fhop-among the Saracens,, he would not let Lucius ordain hita, becaule he had perfecuted good then, But Laid to him (Zis impius non tua.easi- f t cossestas Ecclefiallicos petulanter infehatus eft ? 22Leis e Iaudatmum tirs- rum numero non parte exttlavit ? *retain immanitaten; barbarism, malefies abr to in dies linguist admifja non (operaarono ?) Do Nonconformitis fpcak more harfbly to our Bifhops? Theodoret himfèlf frequently calleth,JFrlian a Tyrant. cap. 22. The Heathens kept their Fealts openly ; Telis aattem ApoJtolicxdohrinx prepay- natoribus, tyrannus ite fe hoftempräbitit. And, when he was dead, they openly rejoyced at his death. Id. cap. 30.1.4. With what bold language Both Tzaak;tell Valensof his fighting againfi God, and carting out his Minitiers, and Gods fighting againfi him, and what he would. be lure to meet withat the end, of he kicked againfi the pricks. Lib, 5. c.17. The Chril ian people of Tbfjssonica,rofe, arid killed Come of Theodof os his Officers, which provoked him by his Souldiers to kill fe ven thoufand of them, for which Anabrofa brought him to eio opera pen- nant. To mention all the blood IIrr:ed.at.j:onte as atDaazafcus elccnio