C2cS elfe ) and Conflantinople, and Alexandria would be "tedious, even that which- was fhed on the account of Bithops. Lucius Calaritanur was a pious Bifhop but-fohot for reparation from thofe that had been Arreanr, that he is numbered for it with the Here- ticks, though an orthodox Bifhop. The Novations were Epifcopal, and fo were the Donatijis, and yet how have they been judged of fortheir Schifin I need not tell Apol/inariur father and fon, Paulus Samofatenus Nefforius, Diofeorus, Eufebius, Nicomed, 7heodorus Mopfueif, and how many more Bithops have been Arch-hereticks and the caufe of tumults and diffènfions. Thevery reading over the aeis oftbeGeneral Councils,efpecialy Epb..I. and 2. &Caked. is tremendous.It was to°be a Bifhop,that Maximus made fopeftilent a fir atCon4antinople and Alexandria againtl Gregory7heolog. Yea they tell us themfelves, that it was becaufe he could not be a Bifhop that Aerius fpake againft Bithops, fo pe- ftilent a thing bath the defire of fuch Bithopricks been. 'Jheodotus the Bifhop would not fo much as joyn in Prayer with Bafil morning or evening, becaufe he had but communicated with Bifhop Eu. flathius upon his fair profeffions, Bafil. Epiff. 43, Admir: ad 7erentium Comit. The contention between fuch excellent perlonsas Eufebius Cefar while Bifhop, and Bafil : while Presbyter, was very fad and fcandalous. The contention betweenBafil and Euthemitts about the extent of their Diocefs. was no lefs. The People of Cefarea would have torn in pekes, Eufebius the PreG- dent, the Emperors own Unkle, for Bafsls fake, if he had not hindred them. TheChurchofNeo- C.xfarea wrangled with Bafil for his Pfalmodie, and even avoided him as if he had been anPleretick, fee Bafsls Epift. admer. 4, to Julian, what language he there ufeth to the Emperour : Not that I judge him, but with you to judge equallyof the adtions of thofe times and ours. See Bafil Ep. 82. Theodor. 1, y c. 19. The Antiochians for a Tax under 7heodofrus the great, did tumultuate and kill the Magiftrates, and deftroyed the Statue of Alacilla the good Emprets. In the Weft good Ambroféat Milan (was not filenced as we are, but ) by an Orthodox Emperorr defined and commanded to deliver the Arrianr paffeffion but of one Church : and he refufed to do it, and to forfake that Church (or Temple) or deliver the Veffels till they 'buildbe taken by force. Vit. Ambrof. per Baron. p. 6. Whereas we all left our Churches ata word. Nay though he would not refill the Brnperour, he would rather die than deliver Up theChurch, When he was ceiebratieg Gods Worfhip he was fain to break off; to refcue . on "Prim Priefl out of the hands oldie Orthodoxpeople, who had laid hold on him : For which multitudes were laid in prifon and Irons, and aecufed of Sedition ,° and great Calamity followed to the Church,