(2Ö9) Church ,'and this from Valentinien art Orthodox Emperour.' Ambrofe faith whenhe refufed to deliver up the Temple, Eaqua flint Divine Imperatoria poteflati non effe fubjeéla(If Baronies fay true); but mine I thall yield tohim]. But we hold that even Temples (as well as Bifh- ops) though dedicated to God, are under the Civil power of the Em- pour. Ii hen Ambrofe was defiredbut to quiet the people, he anfwered It it inmy power not to ffir them up; but it is Godthat snuff quiet them] So great was his interefl in the people that the Emperour Paid he was a Tyrant, and that the people would deliver himfelf bound to him, if Ambrofe did but bid them. Yet had Ambrofe been the man that had gone on his Etia= baffle to Maximus, and kept him from coming into Italy in purfute of Valentinian which made. Ambrofe fay [Non hoc Maximum dicere quod `Iy- ranus'gofuns Valentiniani:qui fe mee legationsobjeeium queritur adItaliansnon pottrifre pervenire.] And becaufe the laterevolutions in England are made by fome Prelates thepretense for the filencingof the i Soo Minitiers, of whom one of ten never medled with Warrs, being fallen again on this cafe of Maximus, let it benoted how like he was to Cromwel, faving that it was not the Sectaries, but the Bithops that he fiudyed to pleafeand rife by. When Gratian the Emperour befriended the Prifcillianiffs, Maximus to pleafe the Bishops perfecuted them to the death. When Valantinian by jaeffina the Empreffe meanes did perfecute or trouble Ambrofe for refufing to deliver a Church to the Arriens, and alto other Orthodox Bishops as well as Ambrofe, Maximus gave to Ambrofe and the Bithopsthe Hon- our of keeping himout of Italy, and lettingValentinian fcape: Yea, wrote his Letters to Valentinian for the Orthodox Bithops, telling himhow grievous a thing it isto perfecute the Ministers of Gcd, and when un- der his father they went for faithful Minifters. gLe tanta mutatio, ut qui antea racerdotes, nene facrilegi judicantur!Iifdem certepr.eceptis, Iifdem Sacramentis dilatis; Eadem fide credunt, qua entea erediderunt. An putat Venerabilis mihi ferenitas tua conceptam femel in animis religionem quamDeus ipfe conflituit poff evelli ? And proceedeth to thew what diforders' and contentions muff needs follo* when there be a Phew of persecuting Chriflians and Minifters] Upon this meffage of Maxima:, Palentinian being afraid of him, the persecution ceafed ; and Ambrofe mutt be fent again on the Embasfage to Maximus to flop him : But when as the Bith- ops ofFrance and Germany owned him, and Ambrofe would not com- municate with thofe.Bhops (nomore than Martin) faith he, cumvideret me abftinere ab Epifcopis qui communicabant ei, vel qui aliquos devins licet a fide (that is the Prefeillianifs) ad necem petebant, juffie me fine mora re- gredi. See here that Ambrofe as well as Martin feparated from the Com- , munion of the multitudeofBifhops for owningMaximus, and for feeking to the Magistrate todraw his (word againft the Prifeillianijs, whom Sulp, Sereros callethGnoffickj When as many among us , have by words and E e writting