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o) 'writing provoked Rulers to draw the fword againfl us that differ, in no one point of doéfrine from the Articles of theEnglifh Church. And the faid Maximus and theBifhops did fo clofè.that onlyone Hyginus aBifbop is mentioned,and7heognoJtus befides Ambrof and Martin that reie- éfedMaximus, and refutedCommunion with the Synod and Bifhops, and was banifhed alfofor fodoing. By which you may fee, r. That Bifhops can complywith ufurpers that will be for them as much as Presbyters, 2.And that all isnot unwarrantable feparation or fehifin, which Bifhops call fo, when thefe three (hall feparatefrom fort-any. And faith vita Ambrof. Maximus at Tyranni nomen vitaret, perinde arguefdei Catholics tuendè eaufa bellum illudfufeepfet,inhereticaspugnam cwt_ vertit, d' Catholicos facerdetes quibus valait bonoribus & offrciis eft, profecutu p. 24. Maximus raifeth that war for the OrthodoxBifhops to fave them from the perfecutionof their lawful prince, and fets himfelf to do them all the honor he could, and to pull down the hereticks. And thefe were the Halcionian daies whichAmbrofe himfelf declareth and magnifieth, evenwhenMaximus had fuppreft the Arrians [En tempus acceptabile!quo non hiemalibuspecfdie caligantie priainas annulriget,necaltisni- v s, ere. ibid. Reader was not that time more lirange than ours ? that Am- brofe mull be fo loyal as to fave his Prince and Country from a ufurper; and yet fo pious as to be perfecutedby his Prince, and he and his brethren -laved by that fame ufurper_and openly give praife toGod fo the great felicity of the Church which it received by that fame ufurper4homhe fo refilled ? Is it not pity that things (hould be fofirangely cartied ? And that yet you may fee more into this bufinefs, Paulinusin vit. Ambrof p.40, tells us,that Maximus took juil a name to himfelf as Gramme/ the Proteetordid. [Maximus Procuratorena fi reipublic.e nomine pr.efuiffe'tonft -; teretur.] He would rule as the Procurator of;he Commonwealth. Well ! But this isnot all the ufurpers that role up in thofedaice:. Esege soins .00n becometh more terrible than he (whoonce was but a Schoolma- tier). And howloth this loyal S. Ambrofe carry it ? when he ,,had got of. Theodaftus a pardon for all that took part withMaximus, even his Army except two or three, yea and benefits too, yet did not this holy loyal manthink it finful to write thus tothe Tyrant Eugenius, [Ep'iol.l.2.p.I03, Clementiffmo lmperatori Eugenio, Ambrofius Epifcopus ; Bifhop Ambrofe to the moll Clement EmrerourEugenius.. And thus concludeth, [In his vero inquibus vos rogari decet, etiam exhibere fedulitatem potefiati debitzm,frost fcriptumeft, cui honorem, honorem, cui . tributum, tributum : Nam cum privato detuhrim corde intimo, quomodo non deferrem Imperatori 1 i. e. But in thefe matters where it becotneth us to petitionyou, we mull alto give the dill- ` genet due topower : as it is written, honor to whom honor, tribute to ' whom tribute : For when I honored you, when you were a private man ' from the inwards of my heart, how fhould I not honor you an Empe- rour?), . Reader do not only judge of my two..Epifiles to Rich. Cramwtll bq thefe