Baxter - BV669 B3 1681

(21z) the late KingCharles I. be rejected and judged andput todeath, till moll of the Parliament were violently fecluded and imprifoned by the Army. And as foonas the were but called together again, it was they (inParlia . ijìcn* aria Council of State) that opened the door forthe Kings reftitution. But while the matters of the Church of Chrifl, and the decifionof re , ligious controverues, and the liberty of Chrifis Minifters to preach his Gofpel, muff be laid upon !late revolutions, and where'Bithopsthat can neither accufe Chrifis Minifters of herefie, ignorance, negligence, cove- tuoufnefs, pride, nor fcandalous immoralities, Mall run to the old me- thods, and perfwade Kings that thefe men are not for their profit; that they are peftilent fellows and movers of fedition among the people; that they prophecy not good of Kings but evil, and that they would fet up another King, one Jefus, and therefore are notC.efars friends, thefema- licious projec`ls may lilence Minifters, and profper,whileour finsaxe to be, punifhed, and the peoples, contempt of theGavel 'and their. ingratitude are to be chatlifed. Butthe wickedtervant that faith, my. Lord delayeth his coming,and beateth his fellow lervants, and eateth and drinketh with. she druniten;wiil fee that his Lord will cornejo a day, that be looked not för,bim,and will cut him a funder, and give himhis portion, withhypo crtes (for their dead Image of Religion will not lave. them) there Ihall be weeping and gnathingof teeth, Math, 2448 49,5o,5í. CFI A-P, XXIII. ;Four dyad le cha,gcslhávenow rovedagain theferedefr rihedpioce- fine f o m of"Governnzeìt ti;e leadofnFich alone is enough toprfv; itutterly nvawful. s. dat it overthrower r-theancientSpecies of Churches, and, fetterh up another fort oIChurches, in theirplace ¡andfets upone Church of that kind intlead of, many hundreds. 2. That it overthroweth the ancient office.of aPresbyter, by taking away one part of bis work (vizi Government) which as much belongeth to him as thered : And maketha new otlice.of fubjefì Presbyters, which Cod never made. 3. That it ovcrthroweth the ancient fort of fixed - Epifcopacy, (asdi.. flint from Itinerants and Arch- bithops)i taking down .a.thoufandor very many Bithops, even the Bilhopsnf particularChurches, and intlead of them all facing up but. oncover all thofe_Chueches; as if all:Bititops were putdown, and the Archbithops onlytake all their charges and work upon them. 4. That it maketh the Difciplineor Government inflituted by. Chrifl, ;11,e yery to become irngolìble.andd impracticable, and fo exclod-