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013) excladeth:it, under pretence that they are the only perlons irnpowred for it ; and they fet upa kindof fecular Courts and Government in its 'lead; and to'are práciicallyErafians. I (hall concludeall with thefe Cenfeiiaries which follow what is already proved. Conf: r. Such.Diocefaneprinciples greatly frengthen the Brownitls caufe, who denyus to have anyChurch or Miniltry of divine institution: as is, before (hewed. And as for them that fay. [No form of Church. Govern- anent is of divine inftitution]. Anf'r. It is well that theyare forced to ,c ecept both the univerfal and the particular Churches, and expound :this= only of Affociationsof Churches. z. It is well that yet they confefs that the officeof Pafiors isofDivine infitution ; who aremade Church Gover- ,nours by Chrift. 3 . But, it is (cant well that yet they fubfcribe to the _.bookofOrdinationiwhich alierteth theDivine right of threediltin&ordersy if theydo not ¢aAnd thefe alfotoo muchgratifie theBrownifg whoaflirmeth that we have no ChurchessfDivine inftitution,.and:think- eth that it is no fault to feparate,,but from a Churchof-humane invention. Conf: a. To fay that no man High or Low is bound in his place and calling to endeavour a Reformation of fuch a Church - Government, and+ fo to juftifie the neglecters and oppofeis of all fuch Reformation is to r- draw upona- mansfelfthe guilt of fo muchpollution; andof the ruin of fuch a multitude offouls, astho}t_ld make that l'.ónfcience fmart and tretn- ble, which is not fearsd`and-paf`all feeii4ig. Conf: 3. To fwear or fubfcribe, or fay and declare, that though milli- -.ons, fhouid fwear to tndeavour.fuch a reformation, in their places and callings, by lawful means, there is no obligation lieth on any one of ti eni from that Voce orOath`: Soto endeavour it, is The Lord have -M9We y on that Land, City or Soul that is guilty of it--- Conf. 4. All carnal interefl and all carnal reafon is on the Diocefane.r lade, and -all the lulls of the heart ofman, and confegoently all fii'fDeyi vil can do : Therefore while carnal Chrifiansmake a Religion of . *heir lulls and interef, and pride, and covetoufnefs; and idlenefs are more pre, dominant, than the fear -of God and the love of fouls,/ nowonder if the Diocefane caufe prevail with fach. -Conf. 5. A truly fanctified heart knoweth the nature and worth 'of Grace, and the nature and weight of the'Pafloral Office, and +is devoted to God and the goodoffouls, and contcmneth thecafe and pleafüres of the ffefh and the riches and the honours of this World, and is the bell argument in theWorld againflfuch Diocefane Prelacy; and muff at leaf/ be weakenedbe- fore it can fubfcribe never to endeavour toamend it Conf. 6.- No wonder if ; themoll,ferious zealouspractical fort of Chri- iliansare ordinarily againfl fuch Diocofanes Prelacy,, when it hath the detcribed effe'ts and that thofe anìong themfelves. . Confy. Nowonder if the principal workoffuch Diocefane.r,1e:tofierce faithful preachers and- perficute, zealots Chriftians,, where they, had .r- E e 3 fpoufcd .