(214 efpoufed a cauli io contrary to the interefi ofGodlitiefs that all thefe aro unreconcilable thereto: Speak notof any other Prelacy. Conf. 8. Take but from fuch Prelacy the plumes which k hath holen from Magifirates and Presbyters, and it will be a naked thing, and amp- ly a name. Conf. 9. rf Magihrates werenot the Prelates Executioners orifecond- ed themnot bywrits deexcommunicate copiendo,&c. fuchPrelacy would give up as dead, or awearyofit felf. Conf: ro. The ill Mixtures of force and. fecular power, corrupteth Church Difcipline, and depriveth it of itsproper nature, ufe and force, maketh it another thing, or undifcernable. Conf. a r. Though in cafes ot necellity civil Rulers may trufi Church men with part of their power about religion, it is far better out of ne- ceflity that they keep if wholly to themfelves. And let them thunder their excommunications without any power of the Sword. Conf. ¡a. Such Bithops and Arch- Bithops as overthrow not the Churches officers, and difcipline of Chrifi, mull be fubmitted toby all peaceable men, thoughwecannot prove them asfuch to beof Divine in- flitution. CHAP. XXIV. Some teflimonies ofPrelatifis of the late fate of the Church of England , left we be fiippoféd partial in our defcription of it. I. Cr the trueunderfianding ofthe late hate of the Churchof Eng- F land, the Reader may find force light, in the Lord Falklands Parliament Speeches, and Sir Edward Dearing , and in Heylins own Hitloryof the Sabbath, with Pocktingtons Sunday no Sabbath , and the Bifhop of Lincolnes book of the Holy Table name and things, and Dr. feylens anfwer to him; And thefaine Htylins H.ifforyofArch-Bifhop Laud: and fromMr. 7hornedicks four fall bookes. I I. To what common fcorne all ferious Godlinefs was brought by the rabble through the abufeof the name Puritane , 'fledby the Prelatifis to make odiousthe Nonconfoxmifls, is after (hewed out of Bithop Down- sine, and Mr. Robert Bolton, who is large and frequent in it. III. Bifhop Halls Confeflîon of the corruptions in the Church Go- vernours and Government in his Modell offer and Peacemaker , and his difclaiming thole that deny it, Move_citedelfewhere. I V. Williams Arch-Bithop of Yorke, Morton Bithopof Durhamwith many other Epifcopal Divinesof greatefi name and. worth, did a%m- bie