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(21.5) ble in Weflrninfer- and colleEted a Catalogue of things needing refor- mation in Difcipline and wor(hip, which are tobe feen in print. V. A Prelatical Divine in a Treat : called Englandsfaithful Reprover andMonitor, thus fpeaketh to his prelates and Pallor pag. 6o, 61. &c. And nowWith what depth offorror' ought we to recount yourpall errours, ` partly through neglect of duty, partly through abufe ofpower ' 4 were the faithful in your troll? did ye diligently inffrt4 the ignor- I h:cays ' ant ? feverely puni(h the difobedient? Endeavour to reclairnethofe that ' walked diforderly and contrary to the Gofpel That ye were vio- lently bent againft Aétion and Schifme, againll fingularity and Non- ` conformity, all confefs ; a few excepted who thought nothing too ' much, yea nothingenough in this kind,howoppofite foever to Chrihi- ' an mildnefs, prudence andConfcience But in the mean time, by reafotr ' ofyour Connivence or Supinonefsin the Epifcopal office, Ignorance and `Superftition every where miffed the people , and canted them to wan. ' der in darknefs, not knowing whither they went. Profanefs like a `rank pernicious weed overfpread the field and Vineyard of the Lord ' ---- And the prophane and-vicious livesof thofewho flood up in defence ` of your Government *öccafionally gave increafe and added ftrength *Mof f to the oppofite fa&ious party, who alledged this as one mainground the prey 'of:theit feparation'`from the Church, that thofe who adhered to it,ptraire. were for the molt part unworthy`tohave Communion with anyorderly':. well governed Congregation of believers, becaufe of their look and `feandalous manner of living , which becaufe they could not redre ffc, they did pretend at leaft they were bound thus to (hun and avoid as, ' hateful toGod and to good men. Whereforeye did not carefully fe Aerate between the precious and thevile *hut confulting with ile(h and rt t Yrt bur ' blood what ye were to do in this cafe, thoughtin humanePolicy to t&eïdid, b? break the power of one party, by ftrengthening the hands of the o Perfeeurinp ' ther or not binding and reftraining them with the Cords of Ec. 1e"fi a t clefiaticall difci line. Thus while y ou oPPofed Profanenefs a ain(1 ¢ :- `Schifin4 or did let that bofe at this, or fecretly favoured and<>,pheld the,were ' it in hope to fuppreffe the later by the former, theone grew too ftrongDiocefans, ' by the violenceof oppofitioa foryour-felves, and both for the Church aed moxtd> ` in order to,peace and holinefs. As for your labour in the work of the iáó bneraufe. ' Miniftry, how little it bath been for many years together, it is even a ofthem ` (hame to mention, force ofyou wholly exempting your felves, from hated the '-thisneceffary burden of their calling, for cafe and pleafure: Others*e$ fuppoiìng it .a task and employment too low and inferiout for them ---- bo fe de. The ref" for the molt part, (lightly or feldome bearing it with their' Oaoad .: 4fhoulders, -and laying it afide prefently, as that which concerned o- RAW, ther men, and not -rhemfelves any longer thin they lifted ; And thus 'fat 'had been pardonable with men, had care been taken to fee this work duely performed by the Clergy ---- But alas there were not wanting `of you, who didnot only wink at the wilful negle } of their inferi-