`*cur^bretheren in this point of Miniflerial duty : But did countenance ` and favour fuch as were moil peccant therein, judging them molt a- *Very true' verfe from faction; whowere leafs confcious * Of Preaching tothe peo- `ie, and faireft friends to the prefent Government , who were loofe ` enough, God knoweth, in their oflice and converfation. Whence it 4 came to pafs that very many who were for you in the time of Thal, were ignoratit.and diffolute men, * difhonourable to your party, and 'what they indeed to the Chriftian Religion, which they did continually profane were :re- ` by their words and workes c So unfaitable is humane policy with quefired 'Evangelical fìmplicity, and unfuccesful when it is ufed to fupport the or' regiment thereof. And inftead of fending forth meet Labourers into ` the Lords harveft, fit Paftors into his flock, you fent thofe that were `idle Shephards, loving to (lumber, given to fleep, altogether like your felves, carelefs of the Lords Heritage , either unwilling if able or if willing unable; or neither willing norable, rightly to divide the word of truth, giving them their portion in due feafon. As for thofe to ` whomGod hadgiven both ability and will, to preach the word, yé per- ' mitred them notthe free ufe and exercife of their gifts; but forbade ` them to teach the people as oft as they taw it convenient or- neceffary ` for their Edification. And though you did at firft commend to them, ` the wayof Catechizing the younger fort --- yet afterwards, I know not ` upon what grounds or for what reafon, you fofar limited and refirain- `ed the Minifler in this pious and profitable prataice, that ye did in a manner takeaway the keyof knowledge, or make it ufelefs for them, fo that they couldnot enter in thereby. And pag. 69. [of this I am affured, that nothingwas reformed after `ward inyour ordinations, it "being as free and indifferent for all who came, as ever - p. 7o. 7 r. 72. [The like excufe fome frame for the `grofs corruptions of your prerogative Courts, for commutations, un- `juft, partial and unreafonable Cenfures of Excommunication, for un- lawful (to faynomore) fufpenfion of the meaner fort from ordinances of Jefus Chrift, fornon-payment or ratherdifability ofpaying pecuniary ` mulets and fees impofcd on them, andwithout Equity exacted of them, ` by your prophane and greedyofficers. They pretend the power of the `Chancellour to bediflinet and feparate from that of theBishop, in many ` points offpiritual Jurifdietion,and fo exempt fromit and uncontroulable by it, however proving illegal and exorbitant in the proceedings there `of;---- And furely it may teem firange to any confiderate perfon, that `Ye who did fomuch firain your authority for the introuducing of new Ceremonies into the Church of Chrifl (favouring of fuperflition, and be- ' getting jealoufies in mens minds ofPopifh innovations intended byyou,) ` without prudence orConfcience, and ufed it fo rigoroufly for the enforc- ingofthe oldupon many ill affected to the obfervation ofthem,abfolutely 'requiring conformity to the Church Liturgy in every poinnt , of all t Mute `.men, (notwithflanding rebut fie ftantibus &profligata difcip!ina'* foal 'formes