017) ` former thereof were not appliable to divers perfons)would not ex- tend it to the utmoft meafure for the reftifÿing thofc great abufes `which hadby inferfible degrcescrept in, and corrupted the true Primi five difciplinc But Court employments, State flattery,and linfut Complyanceswith great perfons , were the main lets, which hindred 'you from the 4ue ditchargeof your office,both in preaching the word. and cxercitiing theRod of Chrifi, accordingtbhismind and will, while `ye thought in carnal reafon, fuck means as theft molt effeftual for the ` acquirin4 and retaining of your greatncfs, and defpifed chofe which the 'prudent limplicity ofthe Gofpel did offer andcommend untoyou:Where- ' fore it is no wonder if vice did reign there where flattery did abound, and that in the chief Minifers and Meffengers of truth, if injufliceand ` opprcflion did bear fway,- --- If men were fecure in their fins, where ' peace was proclaimedwhere a prophane Company heardnothing for the molt part decried in the Pulpit but Faaion, from which perhaps, `alone they w re free. And what could beexp tfed from the common `people,butblind ìgnorance,love of pleafures more than God when ' ye their chief Leaders cuffed them to err, not only through your negligence, but alto by your example. And I would to God Come ' of you had not proved falfe and deceitful to your brethren, whom ye ' perverted from the way of truth and peace, by your own departing from it continuing raft friends to the world ye were carnal your (elves and walked as men, Chewing them the way to heaven with ' heartsand eyes fixed upon earth. For who more immoderate in their 'care for the things of this life than you? Who more eager in the purfuit of riches and honor, n ore tenacious in withholding good from ' the owners thereof, than your (elves? Whowere more fet upon the u- ' foal courfe of enriching above meafure, and railing your families on high? If a dignity or office fell within the Compafs of your Diocefs, who wasprefently judged of you more worthy to poffe& and manage it, than a Son or a Nephew, or a Kinfman, or an Allie, though they ` weremany times altogether uncapable of the honor and tauft towhich ye preferred them in the houfe of God,either theywanted ability of parts requifite thereunto, or had not as yet attained to maturity of ' years,bcing not much pall their nonage, as we have known tome of them tobe, or in all refp&fts undeferving perlons. And yet men of age, and experience, cn.inent for learning, and piety, n-.uft Rand un- veiled before fuch as chofe, to receivedireftions, and commands from Them, to whom theywere able and fit to give the fame : who through 'the juR judgment of the Almighty, have lince been as much and more `(corned-- than they do now fcotn others, everyway their fuperiour, but in place.] Here he ciceth fuch-like words alfo even fromBifhop Andren',,Cone, ad Clef, with his prediétion of the fall of their order for their vicious lives. So p.6, [To this fpeciousdefign,an open way feerned to be made by F f the