Baxter - BV669 B3 1681

(218 ) the great profanefs and vicious livingof théoppofite party, who white they were zealous for conformity to the ordinances of men, and thought a mainpart of Chrillian duty, to depend upon the obfervationof them, did allow thernfelvescarnal liberty inviolating the preceptsand comman- dements of God. And this they did, as from the inbred corruption, which is common CO all men ; fo likewife from a privatefpirit of oppofitiona- gainfl the advert ries of their caufel. And p.m as. Speaking of advantages againft the Bifhops and their party, faith he [` This perchance was not the meaneff, that theymight `thus check and íharne the open prophanefs, grofs impiety, irreligi- on and fin of their profeffed adverfaries : Thewhich (to fpeak truth) was fo eminent oft times and notorious inmanyof them, as might ffar- `tle a nicer natural Confcience to hearer behold it; and caufe therein an `abhorrence Irons their courfes, (fo oppofite as well to right reafon, as ` fanÉtifying grace) much more in a mind inlightened, though with the `fmalleff rayof Evangelical truth. For what could be more firange or 'hateful to men, in whomwas any fpark remaining of common grace or `moral virtue, and who werenot wholly poffdfed with Atheifm, andcar- `tied on with fulleft bent to libertinifm, and ungodly pradtice, than to `hear thole that profeffed themfelves the followersof'Chrill, fcofling at the pereft acts of his worlhip, blafpheming or prophaning his holy name, ` by cauflefs Oaths,fearful imprecations, direful execrations, and fuch like `fpeeches,not to be expreffed again without horror and amazement. And `not only fo but glorying likewife in this their abominable wickednefs, and in other of like damnable nature; in lafcivioufnefs, lefts, excelsof ` wine, and thong drinks,revellings wherein they thought it firange that , ` others raft not with them to the fame excels et riot, speaking evil of Leave ir`- them. How much did this their apparent and overdaring impudence re God to `in fin, commend and grace the teeming Saint-like '6 converfation of their judge of the' adverfaries, [of force of them, we cannot without manifeft breachof ferrets of charity judge of them otherwife, than that they were fiat* hamlet's Igehearr.. ` well meaning men, who bring offended (and not without caufe) at the corruption of the times, and feandalous lives cf many in the facred of- ` fice of the lvlini£iry ---] And indeed their tiri&conformity in other refpefrs to the preceptsof theGofpel with their constancy in fuffering for the defcnceof their caufe, did argue as much fo moderate men and not poffeffed with prejudicate hatred of their opinionandperfons :For fech as thele could never be induced toentertain a good conceit of them, no not in the lean meafiires - but judged their bell aEtions to be counter- 'left and falfe,and thought their greatest fuffering to proceed from pride r and contumacy of fpirit- -- Now.,,as -it comes to pass between Chofe ` -that extreamly hate one another, that they endeavour as much as in. `them lieth, to be unlike each other inmanner of life,fo it fared in this cafe.- - 'And p. 27. a$. (The flack hand of ecclefiaflical difcipline, was ano Cher