To ) thcr caute of the general ignorance and prophancfs of there times ; ' which reached no further for the molt part, to the inferior Clergy(how ' peccant foever othcrwife) than in,difconformity toEpifçopal orders, ` Provincial or Synodical Conftitutions touching external government : ` Neither did it call people to a.due account (if as y)of their proficiency in the knowledge of Chriff Jefus, or cenfure them for non- proficiency therein, yea fcarcay for grofs and fcandalous crimes, if theywere per- ` Ions known to be well affeéted to the prefent Government ---J And of the change time in 5653 when Bithops were down, he faith, 'p. 29. [r Can fpeakzt on my own knowledge, that aTown of good note in ` the Weiteenpárts °f' land, not far diftant from the Sea, heretofore ` famed for all manner of riot, and diforder, by this courfe of late,years `hath been reduced to that order and difcipline, that it is a rare matter to `fee a man there at any time diflempered withwineand thong drink, or ` to hear a rath Oath proceed from any mans mouth, no not when there is moil frequent concourfe of people thither from all the neighbour- 'ing parts. Such changes throughGods mercywere not rare, tilt Prelacy returned. Reader, I cite, the wordsof this author fo tedioufly, becaufe manywould perfwade thofe that knew not thofe times, that none of this was true on either fide ; And becaufe the Author was a very high Prelatift, writing openly againfl their adverfaries, 1653. VI. Dr. Gu den, after Bilhcpof WorceJier, Hiera fpiMf. pa$,.287. faith, ' [I neither approve or excufe the perfonal faultsof any. particular Bi- as to the exercife of their power and authority ; which ought ` not inweighty matters to be mannaged without the pretence, Council, 'and fuffrages of the Presbyters, fuch as are fit for that alliftance. The ` want pf this S. Ambrofe, S. Hierome, andall fiber men juilly reprove, ye road. as unfafc for theBithops and Presbyters and the whole Church. For in etb ourPrè+ multitude of Counfellors is fafety and honor. I am fore much good they later no fe. ` might all have done, as manyof ahem did, whom thefc touchy times bet melt. were not worthyof, And p 262.263. [They have taught me to efteem the ancient ' and CatholickGovernmentmf Godly Bithops, as Moderators and Prefi- ' dents-among the Presbyters in any Diocefs or Precincts, in its juit mea- fare and constitution for power paternal duty exercifed, fuch as was in the perfecuting, purett and primitive times. ] Juft filch we off red `them inBilhopVjhzrsModel,---rp.a63, [Iconfetiafter the example of the bell times and judgment of the moti learned in all Churches, I ` alwayes withed fetch moderation on all fides, that a Primitive EpiCco- ' pacy (which imported the authority of one grave and worthy perfon, ` chofen by the content, and Aided by the pretence.Connieland futyrages ' of many Presbyters) might have been rettored or preferved in this `Church; And this not out of any faétious deign, but for thofe weigh- ty reafons which prevail with me]. F f 2 Add