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(220) Add to this, what he faith in Hookers life of the late Bifhops, and"re- member that this man was one of the Keenefi Writers again(} the adver fariesof the Bifhops in his time ; And that thoughhe was made a Bi(bop and great when the King was reftored, yet he was the only Bilhop of them all that in our conference at the Savoy, did defire and endeavour by fuch conceffions tohave reconciled usaltogether. VII. I mull not tire the Reader withmore fuch long citations, I next with him to fee Mr. Alesburies Treatifi of confefon, 28,zo4,roy, 16y. Where hedefcribeth the ancient difcipline, and (heweth from our own Prelatesthat it is every particular metnber of the flock that the Pallor fhould perfonallyknow and counfel ; And fee how far we are from VIII. But noneof their fpeak of the times that weare now fallen in- to It can hardly be expe&ed that any of their own party fhould yet dare to fpeak againfl them : yet in private talk howcommon is it ? But becaufe it will be too tedious to recite the words, I defire the Rea-, fon to perufe a Book called Irabod, orthe five groans of the Church, which in fharpnefs and high charges upon the Prelates frnce their return, ex- ceedeth all that are before cited. And that you mayknow that he is fuf= faciently lrpifcopal, one of hisaccufationsof them is for accepting fo ma- ny into the Churchnow that were lately again(' conformity : I know the man who is be the Author, and know him to beconformable to this time, and in'pòf°effron of a beneficein the Church. IX. Let the Reader remember that the divition between the Confog- mills and Non-conformills began at I'rankford in QueenMariadays, and that Dr.Ri.Coxe was the man than began this flit againft theEngli(h Church there, by his forcible obtruding the Common-Prayer book on them, and that long led that party; And let him read in Caffander his 2oth. Epifile wherehe will find that thefaid Dr. Coxe when he was made Bi- thop of Ely in Queen Elizabethstime, wrote to Caffander for dire Lions about fetting upCrucifixes or crofles in theChurches; andCaffandertin- flruCeth him in what thape the Crois is tobemade : Andhis Prec.Ecclef gaveus Tome of our Collets. X. Yea, when the Popi(h Prelacy- is defcribed, it is fo liketoours that when Dr. Bath-rick and others wroteagainft the ItalianBithops, ours" take' itsas fpoken'of them. Hear BithopJecrl,Senn. on Mat. 9.37 38--[But the "labourers are fewIfay, not there are but few Cardinals, fewBiops, few Friel:, that Jhould be preachers,fewArchbifhops, few Ckaneellors, few Deans, few Prebendaries, fewVicars,fewPark :'rie(ls, few Mortli. few Fryers i For the number of thefe is almoll infinite --- And -p r.98: And what(hall I fpeak of Bithops ? Their cloven Mitre fiinifteth'perfeîl knowledge of the oldand new 2'efiament; 7'h it Crofiarflairfignifieth diligencein attending the ffock,of Chrí. Their purple boots and fandals fgnifte that theyfhouldever be hootedandready togo,abroad through-thick and thin -to teach the Gofpel. , But, alas in what kind"of things bear thensfeIves as,BUhopr.? Thefe myfllcal titles and. (hews