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(223) CHAP, XXV. The Ordination lately exercifed by the Presbyteries in Eng- land kvalid : Ergo Reordination unneceffary. PrHat valid ordination is not to be repeated, is agreed on by Protefiants j_ and Papffs : It is one of the ancient Canons called the Apoftles, Can. 67. [Siquis Epifcopus aut Presbyter au.t Diaconal fecundam ab a. liqua ordination_evo accepertt, depositor, tan ..ipf , quam qui ipfum ordina- Dtrit. Arg. r. The may of Ordination which -was valid in the PrimitiveChurch is valid nosy. But the way of Ordination by meer Presbyters was valid in the Primitive Church : Ergo it is valid now. The Major needs ßo proof, at leaít to the point in hand. The Minor, I prove. r., From-Hieromes frequently cited words in his Epiftle to Evagrius, wherehe tells us, that the Presbyters of Alexandria from thedaiesof Mark. till Heraclas and Dionyfius made or ordained their oxen Bifhops. Having Chewed that Bithops and Presbyters were of one (Rice, he addeth. [&od autem poftea unto eleOus eft, qui ceteris prapáneretur, in fchifinatie remedi- um faEtumefr, ne unufquifgaee ad fe trahens Chrifti ecclefam,rumperet: Nam d;. Alexandria áMarco Evangelifta ufque ad Heraclam&Dion) fìum Epif- copos, Pre.rbyteriTemper anum exfe eleflum, in cxcelfori graducollocation Epif- capumnominabant : uomodofi exercitus Imperator m faciat : aut Diaconi e- ligunt ex fe quem induftrium noverint, & Archidraconum vocent.] v. here note, r. That Hierome undertaking to thew how Bifhops were made at Alexandria, mentioneth -no other- making of them, but this by the Presbyters: z. That [Presbyters made, Bifhops 1 is brought by Hierome as an Argument, to prove the Identity firft, and nearnefs after of their power. 3. That he afcribeth tothe ,Presbyters the Eleliion, the placingof him in- ., ahigher degree, and the nan%1g of him aBifhop. q.. And that he di(ling iibeth the Presbyters making cf a Bilhop thus anciently, from that which followed Heraelasand Eionfius, whichwas by e- pircopal ordination or confècration. Which obfervations are fullcient to an- twer all their objeelions.that will perfwade men that Hierome fpeaketh but ;. of Ele-Ilion. 2. This teßimony is f conded by a more full one of Eutychius Patti- arkóf Alexandria, who out of theRecords and Tradition of that Church, i,a >.