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(225) iujusjure&êmniiprovincia, t§'ipfi etians Epifeopi, órdine inufitato deleant effe fubjelïi juxta exemplum primi Doeioris illius (Columbani) qui no Epifco- pusfed Presbyter extitit &Monachus. ] And thefePresbyters did not onlyordain ( as being the only Church Governourt) but they font Preachers into England, and ordainedBilhops for Englandat King Ofmalds requeft, asBeda at large relateth Ecclef. Hifi.l.3.c. 3.5. 57. 2I. 24, 2 5. The Abbot and other Presbytersof the IfandHy, fent Aydan [e'o` ipfum ee"e digttum Epifcopatu ipfum ad erudiendos incredulos &indo1ós mitti debere decernunt Sicque iliumordinantes adpruclicandurn miferunt' &c. Succeffit vero ei inEpifeopatu Finan, & ipfe illo ab Hy Scow- um infula ac monaferiodefiinmus. c. 17. &cap. 25. Aydano Epifeopo de hat ,vita fzblato, Finanpro illogradum Epifiopatusa Scotis ordinates &miffusae- ceperat &c. So cap. ^ 4. &c. You will rind that the Engli(h had a Suc- ceffion of Bifhops by the Scotifh Presbyters ordination: And there is no mention inBeda of any diflike. or fcruple of the lawfulírefs of this courfe. Segenius a Presbyter was Abbot of Hy ( cap. 5.) when this was done , And (cap. 4.) it appears that this was their ordinary cu(tome , though in refpelt to the Churches that were in the Empire, it be Paid tobe, more inufitato, that Presbyters did Govern Bi(hops : but none queftion- ed the validity of their ordinations. And the Council at Heruclford, fubjeeteth Bifhops in obedience to their Abbots, And theftrft reformersor Protefiantshere called Lolloreb and Wicklifi)is held and praEtifed ordinationby mere Presbytery , as Wolfingham reports Hilt. Angl. An. 13. 89. and fo did Luther and thcProteftants of other Nations, as Pomeranus ordination in Denmark,, (hews, andChytreus Saxon Chron lib. 14. 1 5.16. 17. 5. Leo Mag. Epifi. 92. cited by Gratian , being eonfulted -a rufüeo Narbonenfi, de Preebytero vel Di.eeono pi fe Epifcopos mentiti funs , & de his quo!ipftelericosordinâroent, anfwered [Nadia ratio fivit ut inter Epifcopos habeantur qui nec aclericis font eleeli, neeplebibusexpetiti,, &c. --- yet thus refolvethof their ordination [SiguiautimClenchabip9sPfeoda- Epifcopir ineis Eccleftis ordinatiflint, quaadpriprior Epifcopospertinebant, &ordinatio eorum cum conferfu& judicioprefidentium faciaeft, patetrata haberi , ita at in ipÇs Ecclef is perfeverunt, ] So that the mereconfent of the proper Bi(hops can make valid fuch Presbyters ordination. 6. F.elicifmus was ordained Deacon by Novatus one of Cyprians Pref. byters, Schifmatically, yet was rot his ordinationmade Null by Cyprian; but he was depofid for Mal-adminiftration. See Blondel p. 312. 113. 7, Firmilian (in75 Epifi. optedCjprian) Saith [Necefario aped nosfit, ut perfngolosannos feniores &preepofitiin unum ¿onveniamoes ad difponenda-qae tunenofire commiffa funt, atfi qua graviora font, commuai conPie dirigantur ?hi: thews that commuai confilio importethaconfentingGoverning Poner) &c. Omni: paellas & gratia in Eccl, +is conflituta, obiprefidert no jores nata qui &baptizandi, &mannin imponendi, &ordinandi nt Poteftatem ] If G g any