2Z7) etúnviveñtes,dumEpifcopoi iron habebant inProvincia nifiunum,iomineWivilo,mier ' nos ante tempusordinavimus, Presbyteros vero quos ibidem reperifti, ft incogniti fuerintviri illi à quibusfunt ordinati, & dubiunt eft eos.Epifcopos fuiffe, an non, qui eos ordinaverunt, fi bone aetionis &cathotici viri funs ipfi Presbyteri & in minifterio Cbriti omnemque legem faneiam ed8Eïi, apti, ab Epifcope fuo benedi- elionem Presbyteratus fufcipiant & confccrsntur, &ficmin f Brio facrofungantur. r r. Of old it was the Cuttom of the Church that Presbyters jóyn with theBifhops in Ordination. Concìl. Garth. e, 3. All the Presbyters prê- fent mull impofe their hands on the headof the Presbyter to be ordained with. the B;fhop.. Which fully fheweth,that it is anad belonging to their Of- fice, and therefore not null when done by them alone, in certain cafes: and that it was but for order fake, that they were not to do it without a Bifhop, who was then the Ruler of the Presbyters in that and other AEfions. And itsworth noting, That ib. Can. 4. The Bifhop alone without any Ste - Presbyters was to lay hands ona Deacon ( though not on a Presbyter) lingfleete r. Bocaufe he was ordained non adfacerdotium fed ad ntinifierium, not to the ren. p. 375. Prieftboad but to a Miniftery or fervice , which plainly intimateth whatdye. Arch-Bifhop (Jfher faid tome,that AdOrdinempertinet ordinare (quamvis ad Gradum Epifcopalem ordinationes regere. ) The Priefthood containeth a power to ordain Priefts; but the Epifcopal Jurifdillion as fuch fùfficeth ro ordain a Deacon : Or that theBithop ordainethPresbyters, as he is a Presbyter(his Prelacygiving him the government oftheadion)but heor- dainethDeacons as a Ruler only. Arg. It Ordination by Bi(hops fuch as were in Scripture time is vr- lid ( and lawful). But the Ordinations in England now que(lioncd, were performed by Bi(hops, fuch as were in Scripture times, Ergo the late ordinations in England (nowqueflionedare valid and lawful. The Major (peaking denomine officio is granted by all. TheMinor I prove thus. a. The Ordinations in England now quellioned were ( many or moil) performed by the cheif particular Paflors of CityChur- ches ( together with their Colleagues or fellow Presbyters) that had Presbyters under them. But the Cheif particular Palters of City Churches having Presbyters under them, were fudh Bi(hops as were inScripture times : Ergo, the Ordinations in England now queftioned were performedby Bifhops fuch as were in Scripture times. I mutt firft here explain what I mean by [ a particular Pallor]. as in an Army or /Navy a General Officer, that taketh up the General care ofall is difiind from the inferiour, particular Captains , that take a particular_ care of every Souldieror perfon under their command ; fo in the Church in Scripture times there were r. General Officers, that took care of puny Chu, chef ( viz. a general care.) And 2. perticular Bifhops and Presbyters that werefixed in every City orperticular Church, that took aperticular care ,f everySind in that Church. It isonly theft lail that I freakof, that were G g 2 Bifhops