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(228) Bithops inftrrti gradîss not fuch asthe Apo(Iles and EvángeUN; butfuah:as arementioned "Ws 1 4. 23. andAar 20. 28. Tit. 1, 5. eke. Now for the Major it is notorioufly known, t. That ordinarily tonic of our Ordainers wereCity Paflors. a. That theyhad Presbyters under them; viz. one ormore Citrates, that adminifired there with them, or in Oratories called Chappels in the Parifh. rtAts is Oppidum, and our Boroughs. and Towns Corporate are fuch Cities as arc fignified by that word : And there are few of thefe but . have more Presbyters than one., ofwhom one is the Cheif, and the refi rul- ed. by him. Betides, that one twas oft-times Preldent of the Afìembly. chofen by the rat. For inflame ( if I had ever medled in Ordain- ings as I did not ). I. I was my felfa Pallor of a Church in a City or Burough, 2. I had two or three Presbyters with me, that were ruled by me : fo that I was flatedly their Chief: I was ffatedly , chofen by the neighbourhood affociated Parlors to be their Moderatour (which was filch a power as made Bithops at Alexandria before the NiceneCouncil.) Now that filch wereBifloops ( fuch as were in Scripture-times) ,I prove a. By the Confeffion ofthe Opponents Dolor Hammondand his follow. ers maintain, that therewere no. fabJell Presbyters Militated in Scripture times ; and confcquently that a Bithopwas but thefingle Parlour of ajingle ongregation, having not fo much as one Presbyter under him, but one or more Deacons (which gran teth us morethan now ¡plead for :) and that afterwards whenBelievers were enervated, he affumed Presbyters in par- tem cure : So that our Bithops which I plead for are ofthe flature of thofe after Scripture times in theDolors fence. Defallo this isgranted. 2. The Bi(hops in Scripture times were ordainedin everyCity and in every Church, Tit. I. 5. and As 13.23. So are ours. They bad the particular Epifcopacy everfight ruleand teaching of allthe Flockeommitted to them, Ads 20. 28. ( and if the Angel of the Church of Ephefiss were one cheif, he was but one ofthefe, and over there in the fame Church and charge j. And fohave our Parochial Parlours; thfeverywords., Ads 20.28, being read and applyedtd)them in their.ordination. They had the Keys of the Kingdom ofHeaven committed to them, and fo have ours. If it be Laid, that theft are but things common to the Bithopwith the Presbyter: I. what then is proper to a , Bithop? To fay. [ Ordination j is but to beg. the queftion; And Ordination it felf is not proper in the fence ofoun orris Church, that requireth that Ordinationbe performed as well by the lay- ing on ofthe hands of the Presbyters, asof the Bithop. z. They ufe th:m- felves to make thegoverning or fleriority:over many. Presbyters to be pro- per to aBithop. 3 .Tbofe to u horn the defcriptionofBithops in Scripture belongetbare truly and properly Bithops. But the De fcription.ofBops in Scripture agreeth(at .hug)to she chiefparticular Paflors of City Churches, having -. Presbyters under them Ergo,fueb are trulyandproperly Bithops. TheMinor (which only. neecleth proof) isproved by an.indueinn of:.