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ofthe feveral Textscontaining fuch defcriptions, as Aar 2o. and 13.23. 1 Tim. 3. and 5.17. Tit. 1. 5.&c. 1 The'. 5. 12. Hebr. i3.7. 17, 24. 1 Pet.. 5. r, 2, 3. and the refl. 4. 1f our Parochial Churchesor at left ourCity Churches ( thofe in each Town Corporate and Borough) be true Churches, then the cheifparticular Pa- ftors of them are true Bifhops, but theyare true Churches; Ergo. - Still note, I. That Ifpeak of Churchesas governed Societies in fenfu Po- litico; and not as a Company of privateChrfians, 2. That I fpeak only of particular Paftort, or Bithops infimigre dos, and not of Arch-Bifhops, and General Paftors. And therefore if they fay It in not the Presbyters ,but the Diocefane,that is thecheifPaftor ofyour Park''' Church : I anfwer, there is none above the Refident or incumbent Presby- ters, that take the particular charge and overfight : The Biíhnp takes but the general charge,as ageneral Officer in an Army. If they do indeed take the particular Paftoral chargeof every Soui,which belongs to theBifhops infimi grades, then woe to that man that voluntary takes filch a charge, upon. him, and bath fuch a charge to anfwer for before the Lord. If they fay that the Presbyters have theparticular charge for teaching and Sacra. ments, but theBithopsfor ruling. I anfwer, 1. It is Government that we are fpeaking of, if they are Bithops inftmigradtte, then there are no Bebop! or Governours tinder them. And if ío, then it is they that mull perform and anfwer for Government ofevery particular Soul. And then woe to them. 2. Governing and teaching are ads of the fameOffice by ChrfIs infiitution, as appears in 1 Tim. 5:17. Alts 20.28. &c. And indeed they are much the fame thing : For Government in ourChurch fenfe is nothing but the explicationof Gods Word, and the application of it to particular .r Cafes : And this is Teaching. Let them that woulddivide, prove, that Chrift bathallowed a divifion. If one man would be thegeneral School. matter of awholeDiocefs, only to overfee the particular School-mailers, at:dgive them rules,wemight bear with them: But ifhe will fay toall the particular Schoolma(ters, you are but to teach, and I only muffgovern all your Scholars, ( when governing them is neceffarily the aftof him that is up. on the place, conjunf with teaching, this man would need no words for the manifeftation of the vanity of his ambition. The fätne I may fay of the Mailers ofevery Science, wholegovernment is fuch as our Church Government is, not Imperial but Daitoral: yea of theArmy or theNavy where the government is moli imperial. Now for the Argument. a. The confequence.of -the Major isunde- niable: becaufe every loch Society is effentia,tyconflitutedof the Ruling:- and Buled parts,as everyCommon- wealth or thepars imperans and theparr fhbodita_: So every organized Church of the Patio and the Flock. 2. And for the Minot, if they denycd both our 7,- ilh Chaecher, and City Churches ( that is thole in Towns Coro::r oc a be rra:e C heoe - ehes, they then confefs the thane, andoren the ' their way of governing, rila,so,LvJ.d cá o:. n r uich .is ;