C 230 not of Chrills inftitution, but dellruEtiveof his inflitution) they de-, firoy and pull down -five hundred or a thoufand-Parifh Churches, and ma- ny City Churches, if they will altofeign a fpecifique difference of Churches as they do ofFafiors, and fay that Parifh Churches are Ecclefie doïlæ, but Diocefan Churches are only Ecele iia gubernatæ of which the Parith Churches are butparts : Ianfwer, r: The Scripture knoweth no fuch diulinffion of flared Churches : All fíated Churches for worfhip are to be governed Churches ; and the government is but guidance, and therefore to be by them that are their Guides. 2. I have before proved, that everywor- fhippingChurch, that had untem altare was to have a Bithopor Govern- ment by Presbyters at leali. Arg. I L That Ordination which is muchbetter than the ordinati- on of the Church of Rome, or of any Diocefane Bithopsof the fame fort' with theirs is valid. The Ordinationnow qucflioned by force in England, is much better then the Ordinationof the Churchof Rome, or of any Diocefane Bithops of the fame fort with theirs, Ergo the Ordinationnow queftioned by force in England is valid. The Major will not be denied by thole which we plead with ; be.. caufe they hold the Ordination of the Church of Rome to be valid, and their Priefls not to bere- ordained. TheMinor I prove. If the Ordination, that hath no Reafon of its validity alledged, but thatit is not donc by Diocefane Bithops, be much better than the Ordi- nation of fuch as derivetheir power from a meer üfurper of Headfhip over the univerfal Church, whole fucceflionhath been oft interrupted, and of fuchas profefs themfelves Pallors of a falfe Church,( as having a Head and form of divine inifitution ), and that ordain into that falfe Church, and caufe the ordained to fwear to be obedient to the Pope, to fwear to falfe Doétrine as Articles ofFaith, and ordain him to the Office of nnakinga peiceofBread to be accounted no Bread, but the Body of Chrift, which beingBread llill isto be worthipped as God byhimfelfand others ( topats by the reff) than the Ordination nowqueftioned in Eng.. land is muchbetter than the Ordination ofthe Church ofRome. But the Antecedent is true: Ergo fo is the confequent. And for the other part of the Minor I furtherprove it : Ifthe Office and government of the Romich Bithops and of any Diocefanes of the lame fort with them, be defiructive of that form of Epifcopacy and Church Government which wasinftituted by Chrilt, and ufed inthe Pri. mitiveChurch, then theOrdinationnow queftioned by force in England is muchbetter than that which is done by fuch Diocefanes. But the Office and Covert-talent of theRomifh Bithops and ofany Di- ccefanes of thefame fort with them, is deftrúlive of that formofEpif- copacy