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(231) copacy and Clidreh Government; which was inflitutcd by Chrift and ufed in, the Primitive Church, Ergo The Ordination now .queftio- ned by fome"in England is much better , than that which is done by fuch Diocefanes. The Reafonof the confequence is becaufe the Ordination of Presby- ters now in qúeflion is not dcftruc`tiveof the Epifcopacy and Government nfiituted by,Chrift and_ufed in the Primitive Church : Or if it were, thats the worui thatcanbe faid of it. ; And therefore if other Ordina- tion may be valid notwithftanding that fault, fo may it. N. B. r. I here fuppofe the Reader to underfland, what that Ordination is now queftioned in England: viz. Suchas we affirmto be byBittops, not on- ly as Presbyters, as fuch are calledBittops, but as the cheif Presbytersof particularChurches,efpecially City Churches,having Curates under them, and alfo as the Prefidents of Synods are calledBithops: a. Note that all I fayhereafter aboutDiocefanes,is to be underftood on. ly of thofe Bithops of Diocefs ofmany hundred or fcoreChurches which are infissi gradue, having no Bithops under them, who are only Hefts, Who are denied tohave any proper Church Government : Arid not at all of thofe Diocefane Bithops, who are Arch-Bithops having many Bi- thops under them, or under whom each Parith Pallor is Epi¡copses Greg is having the true Church Government ofhis particular Flock. And thus becaufe the Major is of great moment, Ilball handle it the more largely. The Vicioufnes of theRomifh Ordinations appeareth thus. r. In that they commonly profefs to receive and hold the Ordainers office and power from the Pope: The veryoffice it (elfe fay the Italians being from him, And the application and communication of it to the in- dividual fubjed being fróm him, fay the Spaniards and French alfo. But the Pope as fuch hath no power to make Bithopsat all : which I prove r. Becaufe the very office ofa Pope as fuch isnot of Chrilt, yea is a- gainft Chrift and his prerogative and Law, and abhorredby him , viz. Au univerfal vifibleVicar or Head ofthe Churchon earth. 2. Becaufe on their own principles, the Popecanhave no power, for want ofuninterrupted fuccetlionoftrue Ordination,nothing being more plain inChurch Hifiory fcarce, than that fuch fucceffion is longagonul- led byoft interruptions, as I have pawed elfewhere, and as is bymany Proteftants proved. 3. Becaufe the Work that they ordaintheir Prieft to is Idolatry., even Bread worfhip, befides Man worthip, and Image worship. , q.. Becaufe all their Priefts are (in the Trent Oath) , thi>ldQ- latry, and (worn to renounce all.their Senfes to thatend,and torenounce the Scripture fuflìciencya and to own the Papal.Treafonable ufurpatian, which all are contrary to theOffice of Chrifis Minifters. Yet are thole, that ordained at Rome , received by .our Prelates, when they. turn to us, without regedination , and ,their Orders are _not taltco