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C231, takenby them to be null (whichI difpute not now). Much leis are the late Protetlant EnglifhOrdinations null. II. The Vicioúfnefs of fiich other Prelates Ordinations, is provedby ,a11 that is faid againf1 theirCalling it felf before. And further. r. Thofe Prelates,' that are chofen by'Magifirates and 'not by other Eithops or the Presbytersoftheir Diocefsor People ( what ftale hypocritical pretext foever there may be ofthe contrary) are by the Canonsof the Univetfal Churchno Prelates. But fuchare thofe in quellion : Ergo . TheMajor ( to omit manyother Canons) I prove fromConcil. Nie. 2, Can. 3. in Bin7o.2.p. 293. [ Omnem ele5lioncm, qua fit a Magiffratibus, Epifcopi vet Presbyteri, vet Diaconi, irritant manere, ex Canone dicente, fi quis. 'Epifcopur fecularibus Magiftratibus rifts, per cos Ecclefiam obtinuerit, depo- natur & fegregcttor, & omnes qui cum co communicant : Oportet enirn cumqui eft promovendtts ad Epifcopattttn ab Epífcopir eligi, quemádmoduma fanilir Pa.. tribus.Nicen decreturn eft in Can, qui dicet [Epifcopum oportet maxime qui- demáb omnibus, qui fine in provincia conftitui, &c. Argument I V. Orders conferred by loch as are in orders, and have the Power of Order equal with the higheft Bithops, is valid. But the Orders lately conferred in Englandand Scotland by thofe called presby- ters, wereconferredby fuch as were in Orders, and had the power of Order equal with the highefi Bithop : Ergo The Orders lately conferred in England and Scotland by thofe called Presbyters, was valid. As tothe Major,I remember Arch-Bifh.Vfher toldme himfelf that it was the argument by which he indeavoured to fatishe K. Charles I. r. That Ordinis eft ordinare, a man that is in orders as to the facred Prieflhood, may ceteris paribus confer Orders > it being like Generation or univocal caufation. 2. That Hierom tells us the Alexandrian Presbyters didmore; for they made their Bithops : And at thisday among the Papifis, men of inferiour Order muff with themordain, or confecrate, or make their Pope. And Bithops make Arch- Bifhops: How much more may men of the fame Order confer what they have, that is the Power ofthe Prieflhood or Presbyterate. As Abbots (who are no Bithops) have frequently done. 2. And for the Minor BithopCarleton bath thefe words in his Treatife of Jurisdictionpag.7. The Power ofOrder by all Writers, that I couldfie, even of the Church of Rome, is underftood to be immediately from Cbrifi, gi- ven to all Belhops andPriefts alit by their confecration ; wherein the Pope bath nopriviledge above others Thus teaches Bonavent. in 4. rent. d.17. q. T. Augutt. de ?obit. Eccicf.. qu. t. a. a. _ Job. Genoa li. de pot. EcclerConfid. a. Cardinal Cufau. li. de conced. Cathol.2.cap. 13. Cardinal Contaremos Troll. de Ecclef po°tj . Pontif. Bellarm.. lib. q.. de Rom. Pontif. eap. 22. In the Canons ofElfrick,adWolfIn Epifc. in-Spelmanp. 576. 1. 17. Hav- ing (hewed that there are (even Orders (z.Offiarius. 2. Leilor, 3. Exor_ cira