' Pag. 335. Iacknowledge that without Scripture warrant ' no new offices may be inftituted. 'Pag. 337. I amnot toannul thefeordinations that pats by ' Presbyters, where no Bithop can be had : And this layes no claime to a new office,butonly to a higher degree ofinfpeftion ' in the fame office;whereby theexercife offome alts ofjurifdifti- ' on,are reftrained tofucha Method : And thismay be done ei- ther by the Churches free content, or by theKings authority.. `Pag. 348. In Auguflines time it appears from the journal of a conference he hadwith theDonatifts, that therewere about ' Soo Bifhopricks in a ftnall trait ofground. Pag. 3o. Obferve the Bithops u ere to be ordained in the pretence ofthe people, where everyone might propofe his exceptions, yet the popular Eleaions were not..wholly takers `away, and at leaft the j- eoplesconfent was asked. 'Pag. 4i. Y ra is,fromallthemanufcriptsofl .Daniafushislives ' of the Popes,fhewes that S. Peter ordained both Lima and Cie- ' tus, Bill-lops of Rome,and after forceenquiry intothe matter he concludes, that'at firft there were three Bill-lops inRome at 'once, Linus, Cletus, and Anencletus : inthenext fuccefûon he placeth Cletus, Anencltus, andClemens. ' Pag. 48. Among the jawswhere ever there were an hun- dred and twenty ofthem together,they did ere aSynagoguge Pag. 49. Ata conference which Aquiline and theBifhops of that Province had with the Donatifts, there were ofBithops 286 prefent, and 120 abfent, and 6oSees vacant : And there. ' were 2,79ofthe Donatifts Bithops.. Pag. 5r. The Gothic/¿, Churchesare raid to be planted 7o years before Úlphilas theirfifr Bilbop came to them (Pag. 5o, 'He theweth the like oftheScots.) By the ftreine of Ignatius Epiftles, efpecially that toSmyrna, it would appear that there ' wasbut one Church,at leaftbut oneplace where there wasone ' Altar and Communion ineach ofthefeParishes (whichwas Bishopswhole charge.] ` Pag. 56. Theenlarging o£theDioce%shath whollyaltered ' -thefgure ofPrimitive Epifcapacy) That the Bishopswerechofenby the people,and by the Cler- ,gy and people, andat laft not obtruded without the peoples confent,Father Paul Saript. de Beneféiisoft tells you;and I have fully proved:bymany Canons inmy .aáb&raftofChurch- hiítory of:Councils. F I N I S;°