Baxter - BV669 B3 1681

A TREATISE OF EPISCOPACY; CONFUTING BY SCRIPTURE, REASON, and the CHURCHES TESTIMONY, that fort of ill totefan Cjjttrctjeo, PRELACT and GOVER.NME Nr, Which cafteth out The Primitive Church-Species, Ep,fcopacy, Miniflry and Difcipline, and confoundeth theChrlftianWorld by Corruption, Ufur- pation, Schifm, and Perfecution. Meditated in the Year 1640. when the Et cetera Oath was impofed. Writ- ten 1671. and tait by. Publifhed 168o, by the importunity of our Supe- riours, who demand the Reafons pf our Nonconformity. By RICHARD BAXTER. LONDON, Printed for Nevi/ Simmons at theThree Cocks at the Weftend of S. Paul's, and Thomas Simmons at the Princes Arms in Ludgatef!reet. 1681.