( 33)' know all -his Flock by name, and enquire after them, even the lervants; but not fo of all infidels in his City or Circuit. 29. No man wastherefore the Pallor of any Chriftians in a particular Church relation meerly becaufe he converted them: N was there ever any Law made by Chrift or his Apoltles, that all fhould be members oft,at particular Church whofe Overfeer did convert them ; much lefs that at a diftance they fhould be the members of his Epifcopal charge, though in another Church. 3o. The Apoftles f tied in every particular Church, one or more with the Pafloral power of the Keys, to teach and govern that Church, and to lead them in publick worfhip. And every fuch Body fhould !till have one or more Pallors with fuch power . And no Pallor or Bifhop fhould have moreparticular Churches under his Special immediate Charge, than one, uniefs as an Archbifhopwhobath Bithops in thole particular Churches un- der him. 3 t. A particular Church of Chrift's Institution by his Apoftles, is [A facrrd Society conftfling of one or more Pafior$, and a capable number of Chriflian Neighbours, confociate by Chriffsappointment and their own confent, for perfanal communion in God'spublick warfhipandinholy living.] In this de- finition, t. The Genus is [a facredSociety] fo called, r. to diftinguifh it from ameer community, or unbodied company ofChriftians; 2. and to diftinguifh it fromCivil and prophane Societies, (For the Genus is fubalter- nate, and the fpecies of a fuperiour Genus.) 2. The conllitutive parts are Pallor and People. 3. I fay [Paflors] as diftinguifhing it from all other focieties as headed by other Officers or Rulers; As Kingdoms by Kings, Colleges by their Governours, Schools by School-mafters, Familiesby Pa- rents, &c. 'For Societies are fpecified by their Governours. 4. 1 fay [oneor more] becaufe it is the Office in fome mien that is the conftitutive part, the number being indifferent as to the Beings, though not as to the well(being of theSociety. 5. The Peoplebeing the other materialpart ofthe Society, I call them [Chriflians] that is BaptizedProfeffing Chriflian.e, to diftinguifh them from all Infidels, who areuncapable tobe members. ó. I call them [Neighbours] becaufe the Proximity muff be fuch as rendereth them ca.. pable of the Endsof the Society, For at an uncapable diftance theycannot have Church-communion. 7. 1 put in [a capable number] becaufe toofew or too many may be utterly uncapable of the Ends: One or two are uncapa- ble defeltively : fuch multitudes as can have no Church communion, are uncapable throughexcels (of whichmore after.) 8. Theform is the Rela- tive Onion ofPallor and People, in reference to theEnds ; Which I mean in the word [Confociate.] 9. Thefoundation or primeefficient, is [Chrift's Fn/litution.] lo. The Condition, fine quanon, is [their mutual confent.] rr. The end or terminue is their [Communion.] 12. Thematter of this Commu- nion, is both [Cod'spublickworfhip] and a holy life; which diftinguifheth them from fuch as alfociate for civil ends, or any other befides thefe. 13. Theproper fpecies of this holy Commuaroa is that it be [Perfanal.] By F which