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(3S verities. To-Baptize, toPray in the Affembly, to praileGod, to cele- brate theLords Supper, to vifit the Sick, and pray for them : To vet the feveral Families, or perfonally inftruft thofe ignorant ones, that un- derhand notpublick Preaching, as far as hehath opportunity : To watch overthe Converfations of the feveral Members, and to receive informa- tions concerning them: To refolve the doubts of thofe that feek refolu- tions, and to offer help to them that arefo fenflefs as notto feek it, when their needappeareth : To comfort thefad and affl ded : To reprove the fcandalous : To admonifh the obftinate beforeall : Tocenfure andcall out the impenitent that continue to rejeEt filch admonition : To abfolve the penitent : To take care of the Poor : And to be exemplary in holinefs, fobriety, juftice and charity. I pals by Marriage, Burials, and fuch o- ther particular Offices. And I meddlenot here with Ordination, or any eking that concernethother Churches; butonlywith the work ofaBill-lop or Paftor to the Peopleof his proper Flock. 39. The ableft Man amongus, for mind and body, may find full and needful employment of this fort, among an hundred perlons, efpecially filch as our commonChriftians are : But if he have five hundredor a thou- fand, he hath fo much todo, as will conftrain him to leave fomething un- done which belongeth to his Office. Therefore our Market_Towns, and large Country Parilhes, where there are ordinarily two, three, or four thoufand in a Parifh, have need of many paftors, to do that for which the Paft oral Office was ordained : Muchmore our greateft City and Town Parifhes that have ten thoufand, twenty thoufand, and force above thir- ty, if not forty or fifty thoufand in a Parifh. 4.a. The office of a Pallor, containing the Power of the Keys, as fub- ordinate Minifterially to Chrift in his Teaching, Ruling and prieftly work, isnot by man to be divided and part of it to be given to one fort, and part toanother (though they that have the whole power may varioufly exereife ir, as there is caufe.) But every Churchmutt have Eachas have the wholepower, as far as concerneth the Peopleof that Church. 41. To divide the effential parts of the Sacred Office, (as to give one the power ofTeaching only, another of Worjhiping only ; and another of Ruling only ; or any two of thefewithout the third, is to deftroy it, and change thefpecies, as much as in them lieth that do it.) And as no one is a tam without his Animal, Vital and Natural parts; fono one is a true Pa- ftor without the threefold power forementioned, of Teaching, Rule- ing that Church by Paltora( means, and Concluding them in publick Worfhip. He may be a Paftor that is hindered from the exercife of force one of thefe or more ;. but not he that bath not the Power in his Office. Dividers thereforemake newChurchOffices, and deftroy the old. 42. Churches headed by fach a new fort of Officers, fpecificaIIy di- Rind from the oldof Chrift's Inftitution, areChurches fpecífically differ- ing from theChurcheswhich Chrift Inftituted : Becaufe the Society is fpe- cified by the fpecies of its Heador Governour. Fz 43.To