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( 47 ) nbfent2 :Dial the ma}or part of the people, who Saravia thïnketh were to exercife the forefaid Difcipline, alfo Confecrate and Adminifter the Sacrament, or publickly pray and worfhip God without a Paftor ? Were r C°ri6. they every Lords day to depofit their Collections, and have no Paftors, '' s' and fo no Church-Affemblies? Had they fo many Sects and falfe Teach- ers to trouble them, and yet no Paftors ? When Clem. Rom. fo fhort- lj, after writeth fo much to reconcile the Paftors and People that dill agreed. And when Paul tells the Romans and Corinthians what Officers God fetteth in the Church, is it like there was none fixed among them ? And I muff note how great a charge he layeth on theBifhops, when, Refp. ad N.p. ro. Art. 52. He faith that [ the Bilbop is squè imo magic proprius fingularuin Ecclefiarum fua Diocefeos Pallor, as qui ibi prafunt & refident, utpote ad quern cura pracipua Worms locorum pertineat: The Bithop hath more Chargeor Care of all the Parifhes in his Diocefs than theprefent Paftors have : (O dreadful undertaking.) Ad quernpri- ma & pracipua Cura omnium incumbet ita ut, ipfe fuum agnofcit gregem, & fingulis quibus manes imponit, &c. How many hundred thoufand indi- viduals then hath the Bithopof London this particular Charge of, whole nameshenever heard, and whole_faces henever faw ? Oporter enimEpifco_ pum ommes. quantum fieri potefl, qui ipftus cura comnìiffi flint, noire. The Bi- fhop molt know all his Flock, if poffible ; And mutt he have a Flock then which he'cannot poffibly know, nor never faw one of a hundred or thoufand ofthem, with any particularknowledge at leali? - AndCone.:ÿuæft. â Refp.Beta,p. 503. He approveth of Zdnchy's judg- ment [that Ceremonies and things indifferent be left free] [and the Churches free in them.] And Defenf p. 286. He faith, [Primum Epifcoporum omniumG Presbyte- rerum rsnum effeOrdinem Conftituo.] 1 maintain that there is one Order of all Bithops and Presbyters] Therefore they cannot differ but Grad's as a Deacon and Archdenvon. And again, ib. p.286. Miniflcrii autení Evan- gelici unitas, probaturab horum imitate; & ut ita loquar, identitate : Ean- dem enim veritatis dolirinam, emnes Orthodoxi docent, eadem Sacraments Mi- niftrant, eandem cenfuram exercent ; tantum Previnciarum e/f inequalita.s G gradúum diverfitut,] [TheUnity of the Gofpel Miniftry is proved from the Unity, or as I may fay, Identity of there: All (that are Orthodox) teach the faine true Do/trine, Adminilter the fame Sacraments, exercife the fame :Cenfures; Only there is,an inequality of Provinces, anda diver- -fity of degrees.] Thus the molt Learned and rational Defender ofPre- lacy giveth away their Gaule. ;. Bithop Bt/fn, amoít - Learned:and judicious man allo, faith more Milan, -for Epi copaey thanaayof our late Writers ; -and in my judgment faith onore agàinft the Office of :Eccleliaftical Elders diftinct from Paftors, Allan can-he_anfwered. But tour two_main ..cgeftionsbefore-mention- ed,