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59 ) not allowed them by Canons. But, q. Wegrant fo much of the Conclu- fion, as that defago, fewCountry Parifhes had a Bifhop and Presbytery t Becaufe therewere but few Country Parifhes in the World, till the third Century, that were really Chriftian Churches, or fixed Societies of Chri. Rim that hadordinaryChurch-communion together in the Sacrament, or had anAltar. But our Cafe is, About Jingle Churches, now called Parífh churches, andnot about [Country Churches.] For they might be but fin- gle Patilh Churches, though they were in Cities only, and-the Country Members joyned with them in the Cities. And his own Confeflion is, page ";y. that befides Rone and Alex- andriajthathadmany Churches in the City, thereis not thelike evidence for multitude of Tarifhes in other Cities, imediately after the flpoftles times.] I fuppofe by his Citations, he meaneth till the third Century. And if this begranted usof all the great Cities ofthe World, that they cannot be proved to have many Churches, we have nogreat=fan to look for many in theCountry Villages. His next Argument is, [Churches containing within their Circuit, not onllf Cities with their Suburbs, bat alfo wholeCountriesfubjefi to them, wereDiocefit. But theChurches, fubjeït to the ancient Bishops in the Primitive Church,contain. ed, ¢c. Therefore they were Dioceffes: "Inf. Either this ishis Defcription ofaDiocefs, or we havenone from him that I can find : And let who will Difpute about the Names of Dio- cefs and Parifh, for I will not. And ifby aDiocefs hemeaneth a Church coddling ofall the Chriftiant in City andCountry affociated for Perfonal holyCommunion, havingOne Altar and One Bithop, this is that which we call a Jingle Church, or fumea Parifh-Church, and if he call it a Dio- cefs he may pleafehimfeif. But if he mean that in there Cities and whole Countries were feveral fuch Churches, that had eachanAltar, andwere fixedSocieties for perfo. nal holyCommunion, not having any proper Bifhop of their own, but one Bifhopin Common, with whofe Cathedral Church, they did not, and couldnot Communicate, (throughNumber or diftance) i deny his Minor propofed in this fenfe, as to the two firlt Centuries; though not as tothe following Ages. But if by [Cities, Suburbs, and whole Countries fubjet] he mean all the unconverted Infidels of that fpace (for doubtlefs he calls not the foil or place, the Church) I deny the very fublelt ; Therewereno fuchChurches : Infidelsand Heathens make not Churches, (Though Here- ticks made fomewhat like them, flow oefpafaciunt favos, as Tertullian fpeak- eth.) If the Diocefan ChurchesDifputed for, be Churchesof Pagans and Infidels, we know no fuch things. But if he meanthat all the Heathens in that Circuit are the Bifhops Charge in order to Converfion, I anfwer, I. That maketh them no parts of theChurch : Therefore the Church is of neverthe larger extent for the foil or Infidel Inhabitants. 2. TheApoftles, and other General Preachers (like the Jefuits in the Indies) may divide their Labourers by Provinces I z for