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( ) lbwand other greatCities then hadmoreBifhops thanone,by reafonofthe peoples diverfity inLanguages, &c. AsPeterof the Circumcifion, andPawl of the Uncircumcifion, ç. E,4ebius mentioneth not this as acertainty, but with an [ it's Paid] which is the ufual note of his uncertain reports (of which he hathnot a few, as is commonly confeffed.) 5. Dr. Hammondis fo far from believing this (that manyParilhes were committed fo early to Presbyters under one Bifhop) that he thinketh there is no proof that any fetch Presbyters were in being inthe Scripture times: And though we con- fefs that Alexandria and Rómehad divers Churches in them long before o- ther places, thereis no proofor probability that it was fo in the Apofiles days. And 1. 3. c. 4. Eufebius exprefly faith, [But how many and what fin- cere followers have governed the Churches planted by the Apaflles, it cannot be affirmed, but fo far asmay be gathered from the words of Paul. And ç. to. he mentioneth in the fingular number the Church (not theChurches) of Rome, Ai tioch, and lernfalem. And 1. 4. C. ri.. he faith Celadion fucceed- ed Mark jn the Church ofAlexandria. But he faith 1. 5. c. ç. that jtulianui was chofen Bishop over the Churches. of Alexandria: And C. 22. Demetrius came in his place. And1.6. C. r. De- metrius took uponhim theoverlìght ofthe Congregations there. And c. ; 5. Dionïyfius received the Bilhoprick ofruling the Churches in or, about Alex- andria c c.. Aoif. i. So long after it is not denied, but that Alexandria had moreAl femblies thanone a. Yet it is molt likely that by,the. Churches in and a- boutAlexandria, Enfebius meant the Churches under the Archbilhop of Alexandria, which had Bishopsof their own. 3. Before they hadaTem- ple there might he feveral teller Meetings in theCity, which were but as our Chapels, or the lndependants Meeting in feveral Houles at once,when yet the Church wasbut one, becaufe they were aflociated for Perforal Com- munion. 4. When the Parifhes were divided to feveral Presbyters, yet. then each Presbyter had the true Epifcopal Office as to the People, though not the Name; and though . they were under a fùperiour Bithop; that is, they had the wholeOffice ofa Presbyter or Paftor, toGovern the People as well as reach them and Werthin:with them. And fo there was then no Parn . likeours, which is but part of a Diocefan Church, and no Church of it Pelf (as the Bithops Form it) becaufe it hath but a half Paftor. 5. And is not the cafe of all other Churches in the World, that to this time were. but tingle Churches, more confiderable than the cafe of Rome and Alexan- dria, which differed from all the refi. Obj. But all the nefl did the fame, as loon as they had People enow to male. many Churches Auf. t. Í have told you Grotius and Dr. Hammond think that there weremore'Bifhóps thanone in a City for fometime. z. This multiplica- tionwasnot till longafter in the thirdCentury, andwithmolt in thefourth, when it was no wonder thatthe Church fell into the Imperial Form : And when they did fo, the Roman Primacy arofe with the rest. 3. Yet e then ven